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Virtualbox 上的 Ubuntu VM 不断中止

[英]Ubuntu VM on Virtualbox keeps aborting

I have Virtualbox (v4.3.18) installed on my Mac X (10.10) and created a VM with Ubuntu on it (ubuntu-14.04.1-desktop-amd64.iso).我在 Mac X (10.10) 上安装了Virtualbox (v4.3.18) 并在其上创建了一个带有Ubuntu的 VM (ubuntu-14.04.1-desktop-amd64.iso)。 After the installation was completed, it asked to reboot, and when I checked the storage settings, the iso had been automatically removed.安装完成后要求重启,我查看存储设置时,iso已经自动删除了。 I went ahead and install software on the VM, but walked away and came back to find it had aborted .我继续在虚拟机上安装软件,但走开后回来发现它已经aborted When I try to run the VM again, I see the following messages and I am unable to get back to Ubuntu:当我再次尝试run VM 时,我看到以下消息并且无法返回 Ubuntu:启动消息 :

The only thing I have been able to do is add the iso back in the storage settings and re-install Ubuntu to be able to use it, but always temporarily since it keeps aborting.我唯一能做的就是在存储设置中重新添加 iso 并重新安装 Ubuntu 以能够使用它,但总是暂时的,因为它一直在中止。 I don't want to "try it without installing" it, I want to be able to turn it off and on whenever I want and not have to reinstall every time.我不想“尝试而不安装”它,我希望能够随时关闭和打开它,而不必每次都重新安装。 Does anyone know why the VM is aborting?有谁知道为什么 VM 中止?

Is the "Enable EFI" parameter checked? 是否选中“启用EFI”参数? it is on the system/motheboard page of the VM. 它位于VM的system / motheboard页面上。

I met a similar problem once and checking the box solved the problem. 我遇到过类似的问题一次,检查框就解决了问题。

This started happening to me with VBox 5.1.24 and Ubuntu 17.04 both of which have the latest patches as of July 22 2017. Ubuntu Desktop would attempt to start for 5-10 minutes. 这开始发生在VBox 5.1.24和Ubuntu 17.04上,两者都有截至2017年7月22日的最新补丁.Ubuntu Desktop将尝试启动5-10分钟。 The purple splash screen transitioned back to a black text screen with a blinking cursor. 紫色闪屏转换回带有闪烁光标的黑色文本屏幕。 The VM would become Aborted after 5-10 minutes. VM将在5-10分钟后中止。 Doubling the amount of RAM for the VM (to 8 GB) resolved the issue. 将VM的RAM量增加一倍(达到8 GB)解决了这个问题。

It might not be because of the virtual box problem.这可能不是因为虚拟盒问题。 it might because of the memory issue.这可能是因为内存问题。 If you have less swap and it gets full then there is high chance of vbox machine gets aborted.如果您的交换空间较少并且它已满,那么 vbox 机器很有可能中止。 To check that first check weather your swap memory is full or not using htop command.要检查您的交换内存是否已满,请先使用 htop 命令检查天气是否已满。 If htop is not installed ( sudo apt install htop in ubuntu, check for other flavors) Put htop command and see if the swap is getting full.如果未sudo apt install htop在 ubuntu 中使用sudo apt install htop ,检查其他版本)输入htop命令并查看交换是否已满。 If yes you can increase the swap memory by following command如果是,您可以通过以下命令增加交换内存

sudo swapoff -a
sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/swapfile bs=1G count=8
sudo chmod 0600 /swapfile
sudo mkswap /swapfile
sudo swapon /swapfile

And then you do htop and see the swap size.然后你执行htop并查看交换大小。 it should be 8gb and not full.它应该是8GB而不是满。 now your vbox won't be aborting repeatedly.现在您的 vbox 不会反复中止。 It solved my vbox problem after lot of research经过大量研究,它解决了我的 vbox 问题

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