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[英]How to convert JSON into an array or string?

I'm not sure if I'm allowed to ask these types of questions. 我不确定我是否可以问这些类型的问题。 Anyway, I have this array value $custom_fields['user_gender'][0] that outputs this: 无论如何,我有这个数组值$custom_fields['user_gender'][0]输出:


I'm not sure how to convert this into an array or string. 我不知道如何将其转换为数组或字符串。

The example data looks like it is serialized PHP. 示例数据看起来像是序列化的 PHP。 Serializing is a way an array, string etc. can be "represented" as a textual string and can later be converted back to the original data format, using a unserialize operation. 序列化是一种方式,数组,字符串等可以“表示”为文本字符串,以后可以使用反序列化操作转换回原始数据格式。 A serialized string can be stored as text in a database and can be unserialized at any point. 序列化字符串可以作为文本存储在数据库中,并且可以在任何时候进行反序列化。

You can unserialize it with: 您可以使用以下命令对其进行反序列化

$array = unserialize($custom_fields['user_gender'][0]);

This should return an array. 这应该返回一个数组。 If you var_dump on $ array , you can be sure it's an array. 如果你在$ array上使用var_dump ,你可以确定它是一个数组。

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