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[英]Fill box dynamically with screen height

I have a box, which I am trying to size perfectly to fit within the browser viewport if the image is not larger then it. 我有一个盒子, 如果图像不大的话,我试图将其调整为适合浏览器视口的大小。 So the image would appear to be centered within the window. 因此,图像看起来似乎在窗口内居中。

Currently I don' think my method of seeking the browser height is working. 目前,我认为寻求浏览器高度的方法行不通。 And for some reason there is a lot of extra space 由于某些原因,还有很多额外的空间

Example ( src ) 例子 src

here is where I define the page sizes 这是我定义页面大小的地方

if ( style['img-width'] > screenwidth ) {
    style['body-width'] = style['img-width'] + ( style['img-padding'] * 2 );
} else {
    style['body-width'] = screenwidth;

style['body-height'] = ( style['img-height'] > screenheight ) ? 
                         ( style['img-height'] + 
                           ( style['img-padding'] * 2 ) + 
                         ) : 

$('body').css({ 'width': style['body-width']+'px' });

            'width': style['body-width']+'px',
            'height': style['body-height']+'px',

theaterheadcon.css('width', style['body-width']+'px');
theaterheader.css('width', style['body-width']+'px');

How I am defining screen width/height 我如何定义屏幕宽度/高度

screenwidth = isNaN(window.outerWidth) ? window.clientWidth : window.outerWidth,
screenheight = isNaN(window.outerHeight) ? window.clientHeight : window.outerHeight;

Here is the basic of centering items to a content with javascript and css: 这是使用javascript和css将内容居中放置内容的基本方法:


And in java: 在java中:

var img=$('#myImage');
var winWidth=$(window).width();
var winHeight=$(window).height();

    img.css('height', winHeight + "px");
img.css('left',(winWidth/2) + "px");
img.css('top',(winHeight/2) + "px");
img.css('margin-left',(-(img.width()/2)) + "px");
img.css('margin-top',(-(img.height()/2)) + "px");

The margin approach guaranties that the image will stay at the center even on page resize 页边距方法保证即使页面调整大小,图像也将保持在中心

I tried here in DIVs in your case code will detect your image size itself 我在DIV中尝试过这种情况,您的案例代码会自动检测您的图片大小

            var windowheight = $(window).height();
            var windowwidth = $(window).width();
            var boxheight = $('#box').outerHeight();
            var boxwidth = $('#box').outerWidth();
            var imgheight = $('.img').outerHeight();
            var imgwidth = $('.img').outerWidth();
            if(imgheight > boxheight || imgwidth > boxwidth){
            $('#box').css('height', windowheight).css('width', windowwidth);
            $('.img').css('margin-left',((windowwidth - imgwidth)/2)+'px');
             $('.img').css('margin-top',((windowheight - imgheight)/2)+'px');

DEMO change your img width in css to see the action 演示在CSS中更改img宽度以查看操作

if you want your div to not going outside the window after margin the image to center use that code 如果您想让div在边缘留白后不离开窗口,请使用该代码

        var windowheight = $(window).height();
        var windowwidth = $(window).width();
        var boxheight = $('#box').outerHeight();
        var boxwidth = $('#box').outerWidth();
        var imgheight = $('.img').outerHeight();
        var imgwidth = $('.img').outerWidth();
        if(imgheight > boxheight || imgwidth > boxwidth){
        $('#box').css('position','absolute').css('width', 'auto').css('height', 'auto').css('left', '0').css('top', '0').css('right', '0').css('bottom', '0');
        $('.img').css('margin-left',((windowwidth - imgwidth)/2)+'px');
         $('.img').css('margin-top',((windowheight - imgheight)/2)+'px');


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