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[英]Convert a date of String type to java.util.Date type without using SimpleDateFormat or Calendar

I'm fetching a date which is of String type but I need the Date type of it. 我正在获取一个String类型的日期,但是我需要它的Date类型。 I'm working in a gwt project so I cannot use SimpleDateFormat or Calendar (which doesn't work in the runtime and throws source code not found exception) 我在gwt项目中工作,因此无法使用SimpleDateFormat或Calendar(在运行时中不起作用,并抛出未找到源代码的异常)

new Date(stringDate) is deprecated so any other way I could do it? 不推荐使用新的Date(stringDate),所以我可以采用其他任何方式吗?

check this 检查这个

String myString = "Thu Nov 18 11:53:45 BST 2014";
DateTimeFormat sdf = DateTimeFormat.getFormat("EEE MM dd HH:mm:ss z yyyy");
Date myDate = sdf.parse(myString);

For more details check this 有关更多详细信息,请检查
I hope this could help! 希望对您有所帮助!

Assuming you have a Date (java.sql.Date) in the format yyy-mm-dd you can call 假设您有一个Date (java.sql.Date) ,格式为yyy-mm-dd ,则可以调用

Date.valueOf("1996-12-12") which returns a Date instance Date.valueOf("1996-12-12")返回Date实例

If you use Date (java.util.Date) you can call 如果使用Date (java.util.Date) ,则可以调用

new Date(System.currentTimeMillis()) which returns a Date instance new Date(System.currentTimeMillis())返回Date实例

Edit GWT has DateTimeFormat which you can use 编辑 GWT具有DateTimeFormat可以使用


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