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[英]Regex to match multiple emails separated by space or puncts

I need a regex to match multiple email address separated by space(s) and/or puncts. 我需要一个正则表达式来匹配多个用空格和/或点分隔的电子邮件地址。 The email addresses are into a string. 电子邮件地址是一个字符串。 I'm trying this, but it doesn't works 我正在尝试这个,但是没有用


Text could be like this: 文字可能是这样的:

abcd@abcd.ef, abcd@abcd.ef abcd@abcd.ef abcd @ abcd.ef,abcd @ abcd.ef abcd@abcd.ef

Or even like this 甚至像这样

Lorem ipsum dolor sit abcd@abcd.ef amet, consectetur, abcd@abcd.ef, adipiscing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor坐abcd@abcd.ef amet,安全,abcd@abcd.ef,忠实拥护。 Vestibulum consectetur fringilla mi ac dignissim. Vestibulum consectetur fringilla mi ac dignissim。 Nulla at est quam. Nulla在est quam。 abcd@abcd.ef Sed enim. abcd@abcd.ef Sed enim。

you could replace the ^ and $ anchors with something that doesn't force the email to be both first and last in the line... 您可以将^和$锚替换为不强制电子邮件同时排在第一行和最后一行的内容...

like \\b (word boundry) 像\\ b(字边界)


or nothing at all ? 还是什么都没有?


http://rubular.com/r/AMnr2kzp09 http://rubular.com/r/AMnr2kzp09

or simply 或简单地


since the {1} was restricting the number of emails you could match between ^ and $ 由于{1}限制了您可以在^和$之间匹配的电子邮件数量

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