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[英]AngularJS : check if a model value has changed

IS there a way to check a dirty flag on the model itself, independent of the view? 有没有办法检查模型本身的脏标志,与视图无关?

I need the angular controller to know what properties have been changed, in order to only save changed variables to server. 我需要角度控制器来知道哪些属性已被更改,以便仅将已更改的变量保存到服务器。

I have implemented logic regarding if my entire form is dirty or pristine, but that is not specific enough 我已经实现了关于我的整个表单是脏还是原始的逻辑,但这不够具体

I could just slap a name and ng-form attribute on every input, to make it recognizable as a form in the controller, but then I end up with a controller that is strongly coupled with the view. 我可以在每个输入上打一个名字和ng-form属性,使其在控制器中被识别为一个表单,但最后我得到一个与视图强耦合的控制器。

Another not-so appealing approach is to store the initial values that every input is bound to in a separate object, then compare the current values with the initial values to know if they have changed. 另一个不太吸引人的方法是将每个输入绑定的初始值存储在单独的对象中,然后将当前值与初始值进行比较以了解它们是否已更改。

I checked Monitor specific fields for pristine/dirty form state and AngularJS : $pristine for ng-check checked inputs 我检查了Monitor特定字段的pristine / dirty form状态AngularJS:$ pristine for ng-check checked inputs

One option I could think of is 我能想到的一个选择是

  1. As you get a model/object from service, create a replica of the model within the model and bind this new model to your view. 从服务中获取模型/对象时,在模型中创建模型的副本,并将此新模型绑定到视图。

  2. Add a watch on the new Model and as the model changes, use the replica to compare old and new models as follows 在新模型上添加监视,并在模型更改时,使用副本比较新旧模型,如下所示

     var myModel = { property1: "Property1", property2: "Property2", array1:["1","2","3"] } var getModel = function(myModel){ var oldData = {}; for(var prop in myModel){ oldData.prop = myModel[prop]; } myModel.oldData = oldData; return myModel; } var getPropChanged = function(myModel){ var oldData = myModel.oldData; for(var prop in myModel){ if(prop !== "oldData"){ if(myModel[prop] !== oldData[prop]){ return{ propChanged: prop, oldValue:oldData[prop], newValue:myModel[prop] } } } } } 

You may find it easiest to store and later compare against the JSON representation of the object, rather than looping through the various properties. 您可能会发现最容易存储并稍后与对象的JSON表示进行比较,而不是循环遍历各种属性。

See Detect unsaved data using angularjs . 请参阅使用angularjs检测未保存的数据

The class shown below may work well for your purpose, and is easily reused across pages. 下面显示的类可能适用于您的目的,并且可以跨页面轻松重用。

At the time you load your models, you remember their original values: 在加载模型时,您会记住它们的原始值:

    $scope.originalValues = new OriginalValues();

    // Set the model and remember it's value
    $scope.someobject = ...
    var key = 'type-' + $scope.someobject.some_unique_key;
    $scope.originalValues.remember(key, $scope.someobject);

Later you can determine if it needs to be saved using: 稍后您可以确定是否需要使用以下方法保存:

    var key = 'type-' + $scope.someobject.some_unique_key;
    if ($scope.originalValues.changed(key, $scope.someobject)) {
       // Save someobject

The key allows you to remember the original values for multiple models. 该键允许您记住多个模型的原始值。 If you only have one ng-model the key can simply be 'model' or any other string. 如果您只有一个ng-model,那么键可以只是'model'或任何其他字符串。

The assumption is that properties starting with '$' or '_' should be ignored when looking for changes, and that new properties will not be added by the UI. 假设在查找更改时应忽略以“$”或“_”开头的属性,并且UI不会添加新属性。

Here's the class definition: 这是类定义:

function OriginalValues() {
    var hashtable = [ ]; // name -> json

    return {

      // Remember an object returned by the API
      remember: function(key, object) {
        // Create a clone, without system properties.
        var newobj = { };
        for (var property in object) {
          if (object.hasOwnProperty(property) && !property.startsWith('_') && !property.startsWith('$')) {
            newobj[property] = object[property];
        hashtable[key] = newobj;
      },// remember

      // See if this object matches the original
      changed: function(key, object) {
        if (!object) {
          return false; // Object does not exist

        var original = hashtable[key];
        if (!original) {
          return true; // New object

        // Compare against the original
        for (var property in original) {
          var changed = false;
          if (object[property] !== original[property]) {
            return true; // Property has changed
        return false;
      }// changed

    }; // returned object
  } // OriginalValues

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