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您如何在 Liquid 中发表评论?

[英]How do you comment out in Liquid?

用 Liquid 模板语言注释掉的正确方法是什么?

In Liquid you comment out using the {% comment %} and {% endcomment %} tags:Liquid中,您使用{% comment %}{% endcomment %}标签注释掉:

{% comment %} This is a comment in Liquid {% endcomment %}

It doesn't matter if the comment is inline or a block comment.注释是内联注释还是块注释都没有关系。

{% comment %}
    This is a block comment in Liquid
{% endcomment %}

Liquid allows you to leave un-rendered code inside a Liquid template by using the {% comment %} and {% endcomment %} tags. Liquid 允许您使用{% comment %}{% endcomment %}标签将未渲染的代码留在 Liquid 模板中。


Anything you put between {% comment %} and {% endcomment %} tags
is turned into a comment.


Anything you put between  tags
is turned into a comment.

Reference documentation: Comment tag in Liquid参考文档: Liquid 中的注释标签

If, like me, you are looking for a solution that actually comments out "anything"/everything between the comment tags (as described in the documentation ), you can use the {% raw %} tag (in conjuction with the {% comment %} tag if you don't want anything rendered in the browser), eg如果像我一样,您正在寻找一个实际上注释掉评论标签之间的“任何东西”/所有东西的解决方案(如文档中所述),您可以使用{% raw %}标签(与{% comment %}结合使用) {% comment %}标记,如果您不希望在浏览器中呈现任何内容),例如

{% comment %}
    {% raw %}
        Here is some text that I don't want displayed and
        {% some_liquid_stuff_that_I_don't_want_parsed %}
    {% endraw %}
{% endcomment %}

will render nothing at all, while什么都不会渲染,而

{% raw %}
    Here is some text that I want displayed but
    {% some_liquid_stuff_that_I_don't_want_parsed %}
{% endraw %}

will render将呈现

Here is some text that I want displayed but这是我想要显示的一些文本,但是

{% some_liquid_stuff_that_I_don't_want_parsed %} {% some_liquid_stuff_that_I_don't_want_parsed %}

Additional information on this GitHub thread .有关此 GitHub 线程的其他信息。

In liquid, you use {% comment %} and {% endcomment %} tags:在液体中,您使用{% comment %}{% endcomment %}标签:

{% comment %} This would be commented out {% endcomment %}

You can also use it in block:您也可以在块中使用它:

{% comment %}
    This would also be commented out
{% endcomment %}

If the {% comment %} and {% endcomment %} tags would comment anything, including HTML elements and such:如果{% comment %}{% endcomment %}标签会评论任何内容,包括 HTML 元素等:

 {% comment %}
    <div class="commented_out">
    <p>This whole div would be commented out</p>
{% endcomment %}

In the liquid, using comment tag enclose the text to be commented inside the comment tag在液体中,使用评论标签将要评论的文本包含在评论标签内

Text to be commented

Starting with Liquid 5.4.0 you will be able to use a short inline comment that does not require a closing tag!从 Liquid 5.4.0 开始,您将能够使用不需要结束标记的简短内联注释! The syntax is:语法是:

{% # This is a new inline comment! %}

As with other tags you can add hyphens to remove whitespace around it:与其他标签一样,您可以添加连字符以删除其周围的空格:

{%- # This is a new inline comment without whitespace! -%}

And even use multiple lines:甚至使用多行:

#  This is a really big block  #

More info is available in the merged PR .合并后的 PR中提供了更多信息。

声明:本站的技术帖子网页,遵循CC BY-SA 4.0协议,如果您需要转载,请注明本站网址或者原文地址。任何问题请咨询:yoyou2525@163.com.

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