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[英]Get a list from an HttpContext.request object

Using jQuery I have serialized a form that and send it to the server in this format: 我使用jQuery序列化了一个表单,并以这种格式将其发送到服务器:

transactionID : "10779"
itemList : [{itemName:"ball", quantity: 5}, {itemName:"stuff", quantity:10}]

In a custom ASP.NET modelbinder, I do this: 在自定义ASP.NET modelbinder中,我这样做:

HttpRequestBase request = controllerContext.HttpContext.Request;
        List<Item> itemList = new List<Item>();

        foreach (var item in request.Form.Get("itemList"))
            itemList.Add(new TransactionItemQuantity
               name = item.itemName               
               quantity = item.quantity

        return new Transaction
             transactionID = request.Form.Get("transactionTypeID"),
             itemList = itemList

However, the foreach loop does not work, as the IDE doesn't yet know that request.Form.Get("itemList") returns an array of objects. 但是,由于IDE尚不知道request.Form.Get(“ itemList”)返回对象数组,因此foreach循环不起作用。 How do I make the above code work? 如何使以上代码起作用?

If you do it like this you only get a char-array back from the request. 如果这样做,您只会从请求中获得一个char数组。 You need to deserialize the content of request.Form.Get("itemList") into a List of your items, then you can loop through them. 您需要将request.Form.Get("itemList")的内容反序列化为项目列表,然后可以遍历它们。 Something like this: 像这样:

var list = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<Item>>(request.Form.Get("itemList"));

You are also creating a list of type Item first, but trying to add objects of type TransactionItemQuantity in the loop. 您还将首先创建Item类型的列表,但尝试在循环中添加TransactionItemQuantity类型的对象。

Edit: Added example 编辑:添加示例

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