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Objective-C / iOS共享文档以上传到我的应用中

[英]Objective-C / iOS share documents to upload in my app

I'm doing an app like Dropbox and I need to know the difference between those two photos: 我正在做类似Dropbox的应用,我需要知道这两张照片之间的区别:

I want to upload the selected file in my server. 我想将所选文件上传到服务器中。

I want to my app appear here: 我要我的应用程序出现在这里:


But it appears here: 但它出现在这里:


How can I do to show my app with another apps like in the first photo?? 如何与第一张照片中的其他应用程序一起显示我的应用程序? (PruebaMenu is my app) (PruebaMenu是我的应用程序)


This is my Documents Types: 这是我的文档类型: 照片3

EDIT2 Info.plist code: EDIT2 Info.plist代码:


To get your app to show up in the first photo, your app must register for the type of files it supports. 为了使您的应用程序显示在第一张照片中,您的应用程序必须注册其支持的文件类型。 Your app's plist must contain a CFBundleDocumentTypes key and inside this array you declare the different file types that your app supports. 应用程序的plist必须包含CFBundleDocumentTypes键,并且在此数组中声明应用程序支持的不同文件类型。 See this Apple doc for more information: https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/filemanagement/conceptual/documentinteraction_topicsforios/Articles/RegisteringtheFileTypesYourAppSupports.html 请参阅此Apple文档以获取更多信息: https : //developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/filemanagement/conceptual/documentinteraction_topicsforios/Articles/RegisteringtheFileTypesYourAppSupports.html

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