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[英]Link_to method not working with CSS

I had to add a link_to method to my Rails view since it was opening the image url in a new tab, as oppose to the profile link. 我必须在我的Rails视图中添加一个link_to方法,因为它正在一个新的选项卡中打开图像URL,与配置文件链接相反。

The original code screenshot 原始代码截图


- if user.avatar.present?
  .common_box.box1 data-user-id="#{user.username}"
      = image_tag user.avatar.try(:image_url)
      -if @user.present?  
            a.message_btn  href="#" data-user="#{user.id}"  data-mfp-src='#message_me'   Message
            = link_to "Save", follow_popup_user_path(user), class: 'save_btn', :'data-mfp-src'=>'#follow_div', remote: true
            a.report_btn href="#" data-mfp-src='#report_me'  Report
      small years
        span.age_box class="#{user.gender == 'Male' ? '': 'pink'}" = user.age
      h3 class="#{user.gender == 'Male' ? '' : 'pink'}" = user.username
        = user.address
      div class= "#{user.gender == 'Male' ? 'green_corner': 'pink_corner'}"
        =image_tag "#{user.gender == 'Male' ? 'side_curv.png': 'curv_2.png'}"

The layout is perfect, however it opens the full image url for new tab. 布局是完美的,但是它将为新选项卡打开完整的图像URL。 If I click on the picture box I will be directed to the user profile. 如果单击图片框,我将被定向到用户个人资料。

I tried to fix this by adding = link_to user do and it allows me to open a new tab with the profile url, but it throws the CSS off. 我试图通过添加= link_to user do来解决此问题,它允许我使用配置文件url打开一个新选项卡,但它使CSS失效。 Take a look at the screenshot 看一下屏幕截图


As you see the blue bar is moved from the bottom to the top. 如您所见,蓝色条从底部移到顶部。

- if user.avatar.present?
  .common_box.box1 data-user-id="#{user.username}"
    = link_to user do
      = image_tag user.avatar.try(:image_url)
      -if @user.present?  
            a.message_btn  href="#" data-user="#{user.id}"  data-mfp-src='#message_me'   Message
            = link_to "Save", follow_popup_user_path(user), class: 'save_btn', :'data-mfp-src'=>'#follow_div', remote: true
            a.report_btn href="#" data-mfp-src='#report_me'  Report

Am I placing the link_to method in the wrong area or using it wrong? 我是将link_to方法放置在错误的区域还是使用不正确? I am using the carrier wave gem for the pictures if that plays a factor in any of this. 我将载波宝石用于图片,如果这在其中任何一个方面起着重要作用。

style.css: style.css中:

#btm_container{ float:left; width:100%; background:#fff; border-top:1px solid #c6c6c5; padding:112px 0 0 0;}
.box_detail{ float:left; width:986px; margin:0 0 0 -6px;}
.box_detail .col{float:left; width:217px; margin:0 38px 0 0;}
.common_box{float:left; width:196px; padding:5px 5px 5px 6px; margin:0 0 53px 0; cursor: pointer;}
/*.common_box.box1{background:url(/assets/img_box_bg.png) no-repeat 0 0; min-height:364px;}*/
.common_box.box1{border: 1px solid #918a8a; border-radius: 5px}
.common_box .img_box{float:left; width:194px; border-bottom:3px solid #389aeb; position:relative; z-index:999;}
.common_box .img_box img{ float:left;}
.btn_link{float:left; width:185px; position:absolute; list-style:none; top:11px; left:10px;}
.btn_link li{float:left; padding:0 8px 0 0;}
.btn_link li a{float:left; text-align:center; padding:5px 0; font-size:12px; line-height:14px; color:#525252; text-decoration:none;}
.btn_link li .message_btn{ background:url(/assets/message_btn_bg.png) no-repeat 0 0; width:65px; height:27px; float:left;}
.btn_link li .save_btn{ background:url(/assets/save_btn_bg.png) no-repeat 0 0; width:42px; height:27px; float:left;}
.btn_link li .report_btn{ background:url(/assets/report_btn_bg.png) no-repeat 0 0; width:52px; height:27px; float:left;}
.age_box{width:45px;  background:url(/assets/green_bg.png) no-repeat 0 0; text-align:center; padding:8px 0; font-size:26px; line-height:30px;color:#fff; position:absolute; float:left;}
.img_detail{float:left; background:#f5f5f5; width:180px; padding:0 0 5px 14px; position:relative; z-index:99;}
.img_detail small{font-size:13px; line-height:16px; color:#5b5b5b; padding:5px 37px 0 0; width:106px; text-align:right; float:right; font-style:italic;}
.img_detail h3{float:left; width:100%; font-size:19px; line-height:19px; color:#39a0f6; padding:9px 0 0 0;}
.img_detail h4{ float:left; width:100%; font-size:13px; line-height:15px; color:#5b5b5b; padding:4px 0 0 0; font-style:italic;}
.img_detail .green_corner{float:right; position:absolute; right:0px; bottom:0px;}
.img_detail .pink_corner{float:right; position:absolute; right:0px; bottom:0px;}
.age_box.pink{ background:url(/assets/pink_bg1.png) no-repeat 0 0;}
.img_detail h3.pink{ color:#e36b83;}

Your link with the image should be inside the .img_box , which is the element that has the bottom border. 您与图片的链接应位于.img_box ,该元素是具有底部边框的元素。 Right now it's on the same indentation level, which make them be rendered one after the other and thus makes the border be on top. 现在,它处于相同的缩进级别,这使它们一个接一个地渲染,从而使边框位于顶部。

Also, if what you want is just the image to be clickable, then you are adding too much inside of the link. 另外,如果您只想单击图像,那么您将在链接内部添加太多内容。 You can fix by removing some of the indentation after the image so that the ul and all the rest is outside of the link, having the same indentation of the = link_to ... line 您可以通过删除图像后的一些缩进来进行修复,以使ul和其余所有缩进都在链接之外,并具有= link_to ...行的相同缩进

- if user.avatar.present?
  .common_box.box1 data-user-id="#{user.username}"
      = link_to user do
        = image_tag user.avatar.try(:image_url)
      -if @user.present?  

This is a common error, sometimes indentation can be confusing. 这是一个常见错误,有时缩进可能会造成混淆。

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