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在iOS 8.1.1中,typecast BOOL始终返回false

[英]typecast BOOL always returns false in iOS 8.1.1

I save & retrive the BOOL value in a dictionary using the following methods. 我使用以下方法将BOOL值保存并检索到字典中。

[userData setObject:@YES forKey:@"IS_AGENT"];

(BOOL) [userData objectForKey:@"IS_AGENT"];

In the above code while retrying the bool value from the dictionary I always get false in the following devices iPhone5s, iPhone5c, iPhone6, iPhone6+ which has iOS 8.1.1 and the same code works fine in iPod Touch which has the same iOS 8.1.1 在上面的代码中,当重试字典中的bool值时,在以下具有iOS 8.1.1的设备iPhone5s,iPhone5c,iPhone6,iPhone6 +上,我总是会出错,而在具有相同iOS 8.1.1的iPod Touch中,相同的代码也可以正常工作

After googled I came to know that we should not type cast BOOL like this because " BOOL is a char , which is eight bits. If you try to squeeze a value larger than a char through BOOL , the compiler will happily truncate the upper bits, slicing them off." 谷歌搜索后,我知道我们不应该这样输入强制转换BOOL因为“ BOOL是一个char ,它是8位。如果您尝试通过BOOL压缩一个大于char的值,编译器会很高兴地截断高位,切掉它们。”

Now I fixed the issue simply sending boolValue message to a particular object. 现在,我解决了仅将boolValue消息发送到特定对象的问题。 Check the working code below. 检查下面的工作代码。

[[userData objectForKey:@"IS_AGENT"] boolValue];

Ok fine.My question is "Why is it happening in a particular devices (iPhone5s,iPhone5c,iPhone5,iPhone6+) only and not in iPod touch which is having the same iOS 8.1.1?" 好的,我的问题是:“为什么仅在特定设备(iPhone5s,iPhone5c,iPhone5,iPhone6 +)上而不是在具有相同iOS 8.1.1的iPod touch中发生这种情况?”

Here's my speculation what happened before iOS 8.1.1. 这是我的猜测,iOS 8.1.1之前发生了什么。 Maybe Apple changed the way tagged pointers work here, I haven't had an opportunity to test it yet and haven't found any references whether Apple did change something in this system. 也许Apple改变了这里标记的指针的工作方式,但我还没有机会对其进行测试,也没有找到关于Apple是否在此系统中进行了某些更改的参考。

You were casting a pointer to a BOOL. 您正在将指针投射到BOOL。 Since we're talking about little endian systems here, a pointer like 0x12345678 casted to char yields 0x78, when you cast to BOOL you get 1 since the byte is not 0. On 64-bit iOS systems with 64-bit binaries, the runtime uses tagged pointers . 由于我们在这里讨论的是小端字节系统,因此将像0x12345678这样的指针强制转换为char产生0x78,当强制转换为BOOL ,由于字节不为0,因此会得到1。在具有64位二进制文​​件的64位iOS系统上,运行时使用标记的指针

For tagged pointers, the first byte (which are the least significant digits, we're little endian) will always have the last bit set to mark it as a tagged pointer. 对于带标记的指针,第一个字节(这是最低有效位,我们是小尾数)将始终设置最后一位,以将其标记为带标记的指针。 If you cast that byte to BOOL you'll always get 1/YES. 如果将该字节强制转换为BOOL,您将始终获得1 / YES。

But for non-tagged pointers, due to aligning, the last four bits are always 0. And by chance it can happen that the other bits of that are are 0 too (in my tests I've only seen multiples of 0x20 so every 8th object would have 0x00). 但是对于未标记的指针,由于对齐,最后四位始终为0。并且偶然地,它的其他位也为0(在我的测试中,我仅看到0x20的倍数,因此每8位对象将具有0x00)。 When you cast that to a BOOL you'll get YES most of the time and sometimes NO. 当您将其转换为BOOL时,大多数情况下会得到YES,有时会得到NO。

As you already found out, the correct way to query the value is [[userData objectForKey:@"IS_AGENT"] boolValue] or simply [userData[@"IS_AGENT"] boolValue] if your deployment target is iOS >= 6. 如您[userData[@"IS_AGENT"] boolValue]如果您的部署目标是iOS> = 6,则查询值的正确方法是[[userData objectForKey:@"IS_AGENT"] boolValue]或简单地[userData[@"IS_AGENT"] boolValue]

First of all you are using setValue:forKey: and valueForKey: that are KVC methods, 首先,您使用的是KVC方法setValue:forKey:valueForKey:
This is strong mistake. 这是一个严重的错误。

You need to use setObject:forKey: and objectForKey: to write/read objects from NSMutableDictionary . 您需要使用setObject:forKey:objectForKey:NSMutableDictionary写入/读取对象。
Also you are casting NSNumber to BOOL , which will have unexpected behavior. 另外,您正在将NSNumber强制转换为BOOL ,这将产生意外行为。

Instead of that code, use 代替该代码,使用

    [userData setObject:@YES forKey:@"IS_AGENT"];
    BOOL isAgent = [[userData objectForKey:@"IS_AGENT"] boolValue];

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