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[英]validating array objects in active record

pls anyone help me to do validation in array of object...weightage is my field name..i just want to validate(presence and numericality) the weightage.but i could not get any validaation errors..i dont know at whivh place i did the mistake..if anyone knows the solution pls let me know 请任何人帮助我在对象数组中进行验证...重量是我的字段名称..我只想验证(存在和数值)重量。但是我没有得到任何验证错误..我不知道在哪里我做错了..如果有人知道解决方案,请让我知道

This is my view: 这是我的看法:

            <% if @company_column_master != nil then                            
                @company_column_master.each.with_index(0) do |assess,index| %>
                    <td><%= index+1 %> 
                        <%= hidden_field_tag :company_column_master_id ,assess.attributes["company_column_master_id"],name: 'cd_column_id[]' %>
                        <%= hidden_field_tag :data_element_id ,assess.attributes["data_element_id"],name: 'data_element_id[]' %>
                        <%= hidden_field_tag :display_order ,assess.attributes["display_order"],name: 'display_order[]' %>
                    <td><%= text_field_tag "display_name", assess.attributes["display_name"], name: 'display_name[]', size:50 ,:autocomplete => :off%></td>
                    <td><%= text_field_tag "weightage", assess.attributes["weightage"] ,name: 'weightage[]' ,:autocomplete => :off%></td>                                           #getting values from db using array
                    <td class="text-center">
                        <%= check_box_tag('status'+index.to_s,'1',if (assess.attributes["status"] == 1) then true end, class: 'js-switch') %>
                <%= hidden_field_tag :phase_id ,@company_column_master[0].attributes["cd_phase_id"]%>
                <%= hidden_field_tag :phase_detail_id ,@company_column_master[0].attributes["cd_phase_detail_id"]%>         

This is my model part: 这是我的模型部分:

class CompanyColumnMaster < ActiveRecord::Base
  validates :weightage, :presence => {:message => 'cannot be Blank!'}, :format => {:with => /\A[0-9]+\z/, message: "may only contain numbers."}, 
  :length => {:maximum => 50, :message => 'Exceeds Maximum number of numbers.'}

  validate :check_weightage

 def check_weightage
   if weightage!=nil && weightage < 0
     errors.add(:weightage, "should be greater than or equal to zero")

You are doing 2 thing at the same time - you use Rails' validates and custom validate . 您同时在做两件事-使用Rails的validates和custom validate Choose one. 选一个。

In order to use custom validation you have to write the method (what you've done almost Ok): 为了使用自定义验证,您必须编写方法(您几乎已经完成了什么):

validate :check_weightage

def check_weightage
   errors.add(:weightage, "should be greater than or equal to zero") unless (weightage && weightage >= 0 && weightage.is_a? Integer)

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