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[英]Put text over the responsive image

I have problem, that I don't know how to resolve. 我有问题,我不知道该如何解决。 I want to create 3 images(arrows, that I drew before) and put text inside each one, and all this should be responsive... Here is my code: 我想创建3张图像(箭头,我之前画过),并在每张图像中放入文本,所有这些都应该是响应式的...这是我的代码:


<div class="arrows">
    <div class="arrow1">    
    <div class="arrow2"> 

            <div class="arrow3">


        .arrows {
            width: 1000px;
            margin: 0 auto;

            .arrow1 {
                background: url("features/arrow-blue.png") top center no-repeat;
                min-height: 250px;

            .arrow2 {
                background: url("/features/arrow-orange.png") top center no-repeat;
                min-height: 250px;

            .arrow3 {
                background: url("/features/arrow-red.png") top center no-repeat;
                min-height: 250px;

            p {
                padding: 0 300px 0 120px;

For now arrows not responsive at all, they act as cover(background) I want to do overlay, but instead of color I want to put text. 现在,箭头根本没有响应,它们充当我要覆盖的封面(背景),但我不想放置颜色,而是要放置文本。

PS Bootstrap 2 PS Bootstrap 2

Thanks! 谢谢!

I had almost exactly the same task to solve for a site I set up just 2 or 3 months ago. 解决我在2或3个月前建立的网站时,我几乎要完成相同的任务。 (I was actually putting the text inside circles, not arrows, but it's the same principle). (我实际上是将文本放在圆圈内,而不是箭头内,但这是相同的原理)。 If I show you the CSS for it you can adapt it for your arrows. 如果我向您显示CSS,则可以将其调整为箭头。

Basically I used absolute positioning to place the items over each other. 基本上,我使用绝对定位将项目彼此放置。 The text, of course, has a z-index to overlay it, and a transparent background. 当然,该文本具有一个覆盖它的z索引和一个透明背景。 Then to get the thing to be responsive, and keep that whatever text size the user might be running with, the media queries have breakpoints in em units, not px ones. 然后,为了使事情具有响应性,并保持与用户可能正在运行的文本大小无关,媒体查询以em为单位(而不是px)为断点。 The site is http://www.enigmaticweb.com , and it's the two circles containing the logo and the slogan below the logo. 该网站为http://www.enigmaticweb.com ,这是两个圆圈,其中包含徽标和徽标下方的标语。

The tricky bit is getting the positions exactly right so the two things stay fluidly on top of each other whatever the screen width; 棘手的一点是要完全正确地放置位置,因此无论屏幕宽度如何,这两件事都可以流畅地彼此重叠。 you will have to use trial and error to get the exact positions right. 您将不得不使用反复试验来获得正确的位置。 Here's the HTML: 这是HTML:

<div id='usrSiteNameDiv'></div>
<p id='gpSiteName'><a href='http://www.enigmaticweb.com'>The Enigmatic Web</a></p>
<div id='usrSiteSloganDiv'></div>
<p id='gpSiteSlogan'>Occasional web&nbsp;development blog articles.....</p>

The circles aren't an image (they are actually made by a div with rounded corners and zero width/height) but that shouldn't affect you, I could have used an image underneath the text just as easily. 圆圈不是图像(它们实际上是由具有圆角且宽度/高度为零的div制成的),但这不会影响您,我可以在文本下方使用图像。 One problem you might have is a good layout of the text; 您可能会遇到的一个问题是文本的布局合理; at one point in this text the browser was wrapping text in a way that made it look unbalanced within the circle, which is why you see the hard space there to force it wrap in a different way. 在此文本的某一时刻,浏览器以一种使文本在圆内看起来不平衡的方式来包装文本,这就是为什么您看到那里的硬空间迫使其以不同的方式进行包装的原因。

The CSS (for desktop screen widths) is: CSS(用于桌面屏幕宽度)为:

#usrSiteNameDiv {
        position   : absolute;
        border     : 4px solid blue;
        border-radius: 6.2em;
        box-shadow : 5px 0 15px;
        height     : 12em;
        width      : 12em;
        background : #99ffff; 
        top        : 0;
        left       : 3em; 
        z-index    : 2;
  #gpHeader  #gpSiteName {
        position   : absolute;
        background : transparent;
        font-size  : 200%;
        width      : 5em;
        top        : 1.2em;
        left       : 1.5em;   /* half the div width cos font in this div is twice the size */
        text-align : center;
        padding-left: 0.6em;
        z-index    : 2;
      #usrSiteSloganDiv {
        position   : absolute;
        bottom     : 0;
        left       : 13.5em; 
        border     : 4px solid #0033cc;
        border-radius: 5.17em;
        box-shadow : -5px -2px 2px 0px darkblue;
        height     : 10em;
        width      : 10em;
        background : #99ffff; 
  #gpHeader  #gpSiteSlogan {
        position   : absolute;
        bottom     : 1.7em;
        left       : 13.5em; 
        width      : 9em;
        background : transparent;
        text-align : center;
        padding-left: 1em;
        font-size  : 100%;

There wasn't much to do for the responsive part of it, except for mobiles I moved the logo to the left edge, and the slogan is taken out of the circle and just displayed in a line under the logo: 它的响应部分没有什么可做的,除了手机,我将徽标移到了左边缘,标语从圆圈中移出并仅显示在徽标下方的一行中:

@media all and (max-width: 27em) 
      #gpHeader  #gpSiteName {
        left        : 0;
  #usrSiteSloganDiv {
        display     : none;
  #gpHeader  #gpSiteSlogan {
        bottom      : 0;
        left        : 0;
        width       : 90%;

but since we are dealing with text, using em units for the breakpoints ensures it behaves correctly whatever text size the user is using in their browser. 但是由于我们正在处理文本,因此使用em单位作为断点可确保无论用户在浏览器中使用的文本大小如何,其行为均正确。

I think that's everything. 我认为这就是一切。 I hope this will give you enough info to do your design. 我希望这会给您足够的信息来进行设计。

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