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C-我的代码有什么问题(malloc,char *)

[英]C - What's wrong with my code (malloc, char*)

I just want you to ask what did I do wrong with this code. 我只想让您问一下这段代码我做错了什么。 I wrote a function that take a char* in parameter, I want to modify it directly without returning smthg, and reverse the string. 我编写了一个在参数中带有char *的函数,我想直接对其进行修改而不返回smthg,并反转字符串。

#include <iostream>

void reverseString(char *p_string){

    int length = strlen(p_string);
    int r_it = length - 1;
    char* tmp = (char*)malloc(length);
    int last_it = 0;

    for (int i = 0; i != length; i++){
        tmp[i] = p_string[r_it];
    tmp[last_it] = '\0';

    strcpy_s(p_string, length + 1, tmp);

int main(){

    char str[] = "StackOverflow";


    std::cout << str << std::endl;


I'm used to C++ and don't often use C functions like malloc/free/strcpy... Here, my problem is, when I alloc memory for my temporary char, I called mallec(length) for length = 13 in this case, char = 1 bytes so it should be allocate memory for 13 char is that right? 我已经习惯了C ++,并且不经常使用C函数,例如malloc / free / strcpy ...在这里,我的问题是,当我为临时char分配内存时,我在这里以length = 13的方式调用了Mallec(length)情况下,char = 1个字节,因此应该为13个char分配内存,对吗?

Problem is allocate more space than need so i need to use '\\0' before my strcpy_s if not it breaks. 问题是分配了比需要更多的空间,因此我需要在我的strcpy_s之前使用“ \\ 0”,否则它不会中断。

Did I do a mistake somewhere? 我在某个地方犯错了吗? Also, when i call free(tmp), it breaks too and say heap corruption, but I didn't free the memory before that. 另外,当我调用free(tmp)时,它也会中断并说堆损坏,但是在此之前我没有释放内存。

Thanks for helping ! 感谢您的帮助!

I took your original code and added a simple '+1' to the size of the malloc and got a passing result. 我使用了原始代码,并在malloc的大小上添加了一个简单的“ +1”,并获得了通过的结果。

Not sure if your exercise is related specifically to the use of malloc, but have you considered doing the reversal directly inside the original string? 不知道您的练习是否专门与malloc的使用有关,但是您是否考虑过直接在原始字符串中进行反转?

For example: 例如:

void reverseString(char *p_string){

    char* p_end = p_string+strlen(p_string)-1;
    char t;

    while (p_end > p_string)
        t = *p_end;
        *p_end-- = *p_string;
        *p_string++ = t;

int main(){

    char str[] = "StackOverflow";


    std::cout << str << std::endl;


If you are required to use malloc, then you need to ensure that you allocate enough space for string which includes the '\\0' 如果需要使用malloc,则需要确保为包含'\\ 0'的字符串分配足够的空间。

You must use 您必须使用

int length = strlen(p_string);
int r_it = length - 1;
char* tmp = (char*)malloc(length+1);

Since strlen doesn't count the \\0 character. 由于strlen不会计算\\ 0字符。 So this will fail if you don't use length+1: 因此,如果您不使用length + 1,这将失败:

tmp[last_it] = '\0';

The length of a C string is determined by the terminating null-character: AC string is as long as the number of characters between the beginning of the string and the terminating null character (without including the terminating null character itself). C字符串的长度由终止的空字符确定:AC字符串的长度与字符串开头和终止的空字符之间的字符数一样长(不包括终止的空字符本身)。 http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/cstring/strlen/ http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/cstring/strlen/

Btw. 顺便说一句。 C99 support semi dynamic arrays. C99支持半动态数组。 So could you try this: 所以你可以尝试一下:

char tmp[length+1];

Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Variable-length_array 资料来源: http : //en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Variable-length_array

float read_and_process(int n)
    float vals[n];

    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
        vals[i] = read_val();
    return process(vals, n);

Check the below C code: The memory allocated to tmp should be length+1 as done below and also there are many unnecessary variables which can be avoided. 检查以下C代码:分配给tmp的内存应为length + 1,如下所示,并且还有许多不必要的变量可以避免。

void reverseString(char *p_string){

   int i;
   int length = strlen(p_string);
   int r_it = length - 1;
   char* tmp = (char*)malloc(length+1);

   for (i = 0; i != length; i++){
      tmp[i] = p_string[r_it--];
   tmp[i] = '\0';

   strcpy(p_string, tmp);


int main(){

   char str[] = "StackOverflow";


   return 0;


There is nothing fundamentally wrong with your approach, just some of the details. 您的方法从根本上没有什么错,只有一些细节。 Since I am not sure how you found out that the sizeof(tmp) is 32, I modified your code to the one below which includes a few printf s and some minor changes: 由于我不确定您是如何发现sizeof(tmp)为32的,因此我将代码修改为以下代码,其中包括一些printf和一些小的更改:

#include "stdio.h"
#include "stdlib.h"
#include "string.h"

void reverseString(char *p_string)
  size_t length = strlen(p_string);
  size_t r_it = length - 1;
  char* tmp = (char*)malloc(length+1);
  int last_it = 0;
  size_t i=0;

  printf("strlen(p_string) = %d\n", strlen(p_string));
  printf("Before: strlen(tmp) = %d\n", strlen(tmp));

  for (i = 0; i != length; i++) {
    tmp[i] = p_string[r_it];

  tmp[last_it] = '\0';

  printf("After: strlen(tmp) = %d\n", strlen(tmp));

  strcpy(p_string, tmp);


int main()
  char str[] = "StackOverflow";


  printf("%s\n", str);

  return 0;

First, I have removed all C++ specific code - you can now compile this with gcc . 首先,我删除了所有C ++特定的代码-您现在可以使用gcc Running this code yields this output: 运行以下代码将产生以下输出:

sizeof(p_string) = 13
Before: strlen(tmp) = 0
After: strlen(tmp) = 13

This is to be expected - strlen basically counts bytes until it hits the \\0 character and so the first time we print the size using strlen, it returns 0 since we just allocated the memory. 这是可以预期的strlen基本上strlen数字节,直到它到达\\0字符为止,因此,第一次使用strlen打印大小时,由于我们刚刚分配了内存,因此它返回0。 As another poster suggested, we have to allocate 1 extra byte to store the \\0 in our new string. 正如另一个建议的那样,我们必须分配1个额外的字节来将\\0存储在新字符串中。

Once the reverse is complete, 13 bytes would have been copied over to this memory and the second strlen returns the expected answer. 一旦完成反向操作,就会将13个字节复制到该内存中,并且第二个strlen返回预期的答案。

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