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[英]Pattern for Compositions of Abstract Objects

I have an abstract class that has an array of abstract things: 我有一个抽象类,其中包含一系列抽象的东西:

Abstract Color has abstract ColorThings[]

I have several concrete classes that each have an array of concrete things: 我有几个具体的类,每个类都有一系列具体的东西:

Concrete RedColor has concrete RedThings[]
Concrete BlueColor has concrete BlueThings[]

All are related: 所有相关:

RedColor and BlueColor are Colors.  
RedThings[] and BlueThings[] are ColorThings[].

What design pattern do I need here? 我在这里需要什么设计模式? I already have a factory method going on, where any Color sub-class must be able to generate an appropriate ColorThing. 我已经在执行工厂方法,其中任何Color子类都必须能够生成适当的ColorThing。 However, I'd also like to be able to have this method in Color, which sub-classes would not need to implement: 但是,我也希望能够在Color中使用此方法,而该子类不需要实现:

addColorThing(ColorThing thing) {/*ColorThing[] gets RedThing or BlueThing*/}

Additionally, I'd like each sub-class to be able to instantiate the super.ColorThings[] as their own version of the array: 另外,我希望每个子类都可以将super.ColorThings []实例化为它们自己的数组版本:

class RedColor {
    colorThings[] = new RedThings[];

Does Java allow for any of this? Java是否允许这一切? Can I redesign any of it better? 我可以更好地重新设计吗?

Generics will let you do what you want: 泛型可以让您做自己想做的事情:

abstract class Color<T extends ColorThings> {
    protected T[] things;

class RedColor extends Color<RedThings> {

// And so on.

The idea here is that each subclass of Color needs to declare what specific subclass of ColorThings they use. 这里的想法是Color每个子类都需要声明它们使用的ColorThings特定子类。 By using the type parameter T , you can achieve this. 通过使用类型参数T ,可以实现此目的。

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