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[英]Drupal not rendering page content

I'm trying to create a full backup of cyclekids.org . 我正在尝试创建cyclekids.org的完整备份。 I've backed up all the files, dumped the database, and restored it on another machine ( beta.cyclekids.org ). 我已经备份了所有文件,转储了数据库,并将其还原到另一台计算机( beta.cyclekids.org )上。 However, Drupal doesn't seem to be rendering any page content on the backed-up site. 但是,Drupal似乎并没有在备份站点上呈现任何页面内容。 Even pages that 404 on the regular site display the same mostly-blank template with a smattering of content. 即使是常规网站上的404页面,也显示相同的大部分内容空白的模板。

What are likely culprits for this (eg misdirected theme file or broken config)? 造成这种情况的原因是什么(例如,主题文件方向错误或配置损坏)?

There can be multiple reasons: 可能有多种原因:

  • First, upload some simple php file containing only php info function ( http://php.net/manual/en/function.phpinfo.php ), call it and see is everything ok there with the server. 首先,上传一些仅包含php info函数的简单php文件( http://php.net/manual/en/function.phpinfo.php ),对其进行调用,看看服务器上一切正常。 Ie do you have PHP enabled at all. 也就是说,您是否完全启用了PHP。 Don't forget to delete that file when it starts working. 开始运行时,请不要忘记删除该文件。

  • If you get php info output that means that php is working. 如果您得到php info输出,则表明php正在运行。 So next problem could be that because of different server settings you are getting php error, but errors are not displayed. 因此,下一个问题可能是由于服务器设置不同而导致php错误,但未显示错误。 Try finding in your control panel where php settings are and turn off on page error reports. 尝试在控制面板中找到php设置所在的位置,然后关闭页面错误报告。 If you can't find it in control panel, try enabling error reporting from the code: add 如果在控制面板中找不到它,请尝试从代码中启用错误报告:add

    error_reporting(E_ALL); error_reporting(E_ALL);

as first function in index.php file in site root. 作为站点根目录中index.php文件的第一个功能。

  • Check how much memory PHP has available. 检查PHP有多少可用内存。 Upload some php info file to working site and compare difference in their output. 将一些php信息文件上传到工作站点,并比较它们的输出差异。

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