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[英]How to pass javascript variable into embeded ruby?

I'm developing a Rails app with Leaflet. 我正在用Leaflet开发一个Rails应用程序。 I have model Pipe with field location that is type linestring . 我的模型Pipe的字段位置linestring类型 I want to be able to click on the map, get the coordinates of that spot and return number of pipes that are at certain distance of it. 我希望能够在地图上单击,获取该点的坐标并返回距该点一定距离的管道数量。 I can't return coordinates to Ruby. 我无法将坐标返回给Ruby。 I realize that Ruby gets executed before Javascript, so how do I do it? 我意识到Ruby在Javascript之前执行,所以我该怎么做? This is the function in my .js.erb file: 这是我的.js.erb文件中的函数:

    function onMapClick(e) {
      var sql = <%= Pipe.where{st_dwithin((location),ST_GeomFromText("POINT(#{e.latlng.lat} #{e.latlon.lon})", 4326), 3000)}.count.to_s %>;
      map.openPopup(sql.toString(), e.latlng);


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