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[英]httpd.conf missing from Apache2.2 package

I have downloaded the Apache server msi file from enter link description here . 我已经从此处的输入链接描述中下载了Apache服务器msi文件。 But there is no httpd.conf file anywhere in the package after installation. 但是安装后,软件包中的任何地方都没有httpd.conf文件。 I am installing PHP for which I need to add some snippet of code from php --> install file to Apache --> httpd.cnf file. 我正在安装PHP,为此我需要从php->安装文件到Apache-> httpd.cnf文件中添加一些代码段。 Searched everywhere but could not find. 在各处搜索,但找不到。 Please somebody guide me. 请有人指导我。

My OS is 32bit - Windows 7 Home Premium 我的操作系统是32位-Windows 7 Home Premium

Don't use the old Windows binaries on apache.org (currently 2.2.25 vs. 2.2.29 source distribution). 不要在apache.org上使用旧的Windows二进制文件(当前是2.2.25与2.2.29源分发版)。 You're much better off getting a current release from a third-party site like apachelounge. 从apachelounge之类的第三方网站获取最新版本会更好。

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