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[英]Regex capture numbers based on preceding text

Consider the following text: 考虑以下文本:

one="ambience: 5 comments:xxx food: 4 comments: xxxx service: 3 
comments: xxx" 

two="ambience: 5 comments:xxx food:   comments: since nothing to eat
after 8 pm service: 4  comments: xxxx "

three="ambience: it is a 5 comments:xxx food: a 6   comments: since nothing to eat
after 8 pm service: a 4  comments: xxxx "

for string one 对于字符串一

    [('ambience', '5'), ('food', '4'), ('service', '3')]

for string two the result is 对于字符串二,结果是

[('ambience', '5'), ('food', '8'), ('service', '4')]

since this logic purely looks for the first digit after the specific text it is fairly misleading when rating is skipped intentionally or otherwise . 由于这种逻辑纯粹是在寻找特定文本之后的第一个数字,因此,有意地跳过评分或以其他方式跳过评分时,会产生误解。

If the consecutive rating is missed how do i get regex return the rating as NaN ? 如果错过了连续评级,我如何让正则表达式将评级返回为NaN?

 [('ambience', '5'), ('food', 'NaN'), ('service', '4')] 

I also have a variant using look-ahead and look-behind anchors 我也有使用先行锚和后向锚的变体


A simple change in regex would do the trick 一个简单的正则表达式更改就可以解决问题

  • [^\\d:]* matches anything other than a : or digit [^\\d:]*匹配除:或数字以外的任何内容

Example matching http://regex101.com/r/bM0gT2/1 匹配示例http://regex101.com/r/bM0gT2/1

Example usage 用法示例

>>> re.findall(r'(ambience|food|service):[^\d:]*(\d*)', one)
[('ambience', '5'), ('food', '4'), ('service', '3')]
>>> re.findall(r'(ambience|food|service):[^\d:]*(\d*)', two)
[('ambience', '5'), ('food', ''), ('service', '4')]
>>> re.findall(r'(ambience|food|service):[^\d:]*(\d*)', three)
[('ambience', '5'), ('food', '6'), ('service', '4')]

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