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[英]Print session variable (array) in x axis of Highcharts

I need to print dates I get a sql query. 我需要打印日期,得到一个sql查询。 I keep these dates in an array, and the array put it in a session ($ _SESSION ['dates'] = $ dates). 我将这些日期保存在一个数组中,并将该数组放入会话中($ _SESSION ['dates'] = $ date)。 The problem is that when I do an "echo" of the year, the month and the day, I do not do returns or strange numbers. 问题是,当我执行年,月和日的“回声”时,我没有做任何回报或奇怪的数字。 I tried with "json_encode", but something I'm doing wrong. 我尝试使用“ json_encode”,但是我做错了。 Thank you all. 谢谢你们。

In this "php" I keep the dates in an array and session: 在此“ php”中,我将日期保留在数组和会话中:


    $datayMin = array();
    $datayMax = array();
    $dataEMF = array();
    $dates = array();

    $i = 0;

        while($row = mssql_fetch_array($consulta)) {

            //Suma de EMA + UMA(error máximo admitido + incertidumbre máxima admitida)
            $valor = $row[5] + $row[6];

            $dataEMF[] = $row ["EMF"];
            $datayMin[] = $row ["EMF"] - $row ["UMF"]; //Punt més baix (Error - Incertesa)
            $datayMax[] = $row ["EMF"] + $row ["UMF"]; //Punt més alt(Error + Incertesa)
            $dates[$i] = $row[2];

            $html .= '  <tr>
                            <td bgcolor="#FFFFFF" style="border-radius: 3px;"><font size="1" face="Verdana">'.$row[0].'</font></td>
                            <td bgcolor="#FFFFFF" style="border-radius: 3px;"><font size="1" face="Verdana">'.htmlentities($row[1]).'</font></td>
                            <td bgcolor="#FFFFFF" style="border-radius: 3px;"><font size="1" face="Verdana">'.$row[2].'</font></td>
                            <td bgcolor="#FFFFFF" style="border-radius: 3px;"><font size="1" face="Verdana">'.$row[3].'</font></td>
                            <td bgcolor="#FFFFFF" style="border-radius: 3px;"><font size="1" face="Verdana">'.$row[4].'</font></td>
                            <td bgcolor="#FFFFFF" style="border-radius: 3px;"><font size="1" face="Verdana">'.$valor.'</font></td>
                            <td bgcolor="#FFFFFF" style="border-radius: 3px;"><font size="1" face="Verdana">'.$row[7].'</font></td>

        echo $dates[0];

        $_SESSION["dates"] =$dates;  // PUT ARRAY INTO SESSION!

        echo var_dump($_SESSION["dates"]);



This script (Highcharts function), print the results (not working properly): example -> [Date.UTC(year, month, day), value] 此脚本(Highcharts函数),打印结果(无法正常工作):示例-> [Date.UTC(年,月,日),值]

series: [{
            name: 'EMF',
            type: 'line',
            zIndex: 10,
            data: [[Date.UTC(<?php echo substr(json_encode($_SESSION["dates"]["0"]), -4); ?>, <?php echo substr(json_encode($_SESSION["dates"]["0"]), 3,2); ?>-1, <?php echo substr(json_encode($_SESSION["dates"]["0"]), 0,2); ?>), 0],
            [Date.UTC(2013, 10, 10), 0.6 ],

Finally say that the format returned by the query is 2/12/2014. 最后说查询返回的格式为2014年2月12日。 And this is how I want it! 这就是我想要的!

在json_encode中添加此标志,例如:json_encode($ _ SESSION [“ dates”] [“ 0”],JSON_NUMERIC_CHECK)

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