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[英]count occurrences in mysql

resp_id visitorID surveyID questionID response answer userID
     43       777      163        736 MS            0      1
     42       777      163        736 Rohit         1      1
     41       777      163        736 Virat         1      1
     40       776      163        736 MS            1      1
     39       776      163        736 Rohit         3      1
     38       776      163        736 Virat         1      1
     37       775      163        736 MS            0      1 
     36       775      163        736 Rohit         1      1 
     35       775      163        736 Virat         2      1
     34       774      163        736 MS            2      1
     33       774      163        736 Rohit         3      1
     32       774      163        736 Virat         1      1

I want to count occurrence of each value of "answer" field in table respect to response 我想对响应中的表中“答案”字段的每个值进行计数

I have tried but did not get 我已经尝试过但没有得到

SELECT count(answer) as answer_cnt
FROM `sg_finished_surveys`
WHERE resopnse = $q GROUP BY `answer`

Where $q is equal to unique response value. 其中$q等于唯一响应值。

You want to use a count and a group by statement to get the number of each type of answer: 您要使用一个计数和一个group by语句来获取每种答案的数量:

    count(*) as answer_cnt,
    response = '$q'

This will count the number of instances of each answer as well as giving you the actual answer. 这将计算每个答案的实例数量,并为您提供实际答案。

You also have a typo in your where clause (resopnse != response). 您的where子句中也有错字(resopnse!= response)。

You may also want to check out this Question and Answer that I posted which covers this type of query and a lot more. 您可能还需要检查一下我发布的“ 问答”,其中涵盖了此类查询以及更多内容。

use group by visitorID ie, 使用visitorID分组,即

 SELECT count(answer) as answer_cnt FROM `sg_finished_surveys`
 WHERE resopnse = $q group by visiterID

$q need to be in single quote. $q必须用单引号引起来。

SELECT count(*) as answer_cnt
FROM `sg_finished_surveys`
WHERE resopnse = '$q' GROUP BY `answer`
FROM `sg_finished_surveys`
WHERE respondence = '".$q."'
GROUP BY answer

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