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C ++向后打印数组的内容一位不正确的数字

[英]C++ Printing Contents of array backwards One incorrect digit

As part of a program I'm trying to print the contents of an array in reverse order. 作为程序的一部分,我试图以相反的顺序打印数组的内容。 It is working fine except for one value and I can't figure out why. 除了一个值,它工作正常,我不知道为什么。

I haven't gotten onto functions yet so I haven't used them in my code here is the snippet 我还没有接触到函数,所以我没有在代码中使用它们,这里是代码段

case 7:
    for (int i = 11; i != -1; i--)// The variable i is initialised to 11. While i is not equal to -1 decrement i by 1.
        infile >> list[i];//Read in values for array from data.dat
        cout << list[i] << " ";// Outputting the array in reverse order.
        outfile << "The array in reverse order is: " << list[i] << " " << endl;// Outputting the array in reverse order to file.

    cout << endl;

The array is filled with the following numbers 数组由以下数字填充

8 16 12 6 16 4 8 10 2 16 12 6 8 16 12 6 16 4 8 10 2 16 12 6

The expected output is: 预期的输出是:

6 12 16 2 10 8 4 16 6 12 16 8 6 12 16 2 10 8 4 16 6 12 16 8

The output I'm getting is: 我得到的输出是:

6 12 16 2 10 8 4 16 6 12 6 8 6 12 16 2 10 8 4 16 6 12 6 8

Any help appreciated 任何帮助表示赞赏

The right way to reverse an iterator is to shift it down by one. 反转迭代器的正确方法是将迭代器向下移动一个。

Forward: 向前:

T a[N];

for (std::size_t i = 0; i != N; ++i)

Backward: 向后:

T a[N];

for (std::size_t i = 0; i != N; ++i)
    std::size_t const ri = N - i - 1;
    //                           ^^^


You can write a loop where you actually decrement the loop variable directly, but it's awkward since you either have to use signed integers or otherwise do an additional - 1 when using the index, and it's altogether unnatural, hard to read and easy to get wrong. 可以编写一个实际上直接递减循环变量的循环,但是这样做很尴尬,因为您必须使用带符号的整数或以其他方式额外使用- 1在使用索引时为- 1 ,而且这完全不自然,难以阅读且容易出错。 I'd much rather recommend always using the forward-moving loop as shown here and compute the reverse iterator separately. 我宁愿建议始终使用此处所示的前向循环并分别计算反向迭代器。

Incidentally, this logic is already encapsulated in the iterator wrapper std::reverse_iterator , which is build from a normal, bidirectional moving iterator but decrements by one when being dereferenced. 顺便说一句,此逻辑已经封装在迭代器包装器std::reverse_iterator ,该包装器是从正常的双向移动迭代器构建的,但在取消引用时递减1。 You can either reverse a sequence yourself by using make_reverse_iterator , or by using the free rbegin / rend functions: 您可以使用make_reverse_iterator自己反转序列,也可以使用免费的rbegin / rend函数反转序列:

#include <iterator>

T a[N];

for (auto rit = std::crbegin(a); rit != std::crend(a); ++rit)

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