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[英]Ractivejs - how to close the slide on tap

ractive template 主动模板

<div class="more" on-click="more-detail">
<div class="icon-close" on-tap="close"></div>

When div is clicked, more detail shows but a bit unsure how to make div.more close by click on icon-close div. 单击div时,会显示更多详细信息,但有点不确定如何通过单击图标关闭div使div.more关闭。

Tried to go thru tutorial pieces for some answer, but couldn't find. 试图遍历教程片段以获得一些答案,但找不到。 I thought by using similar way as JQuery like this: 我认为通过使用与JQuery类似的方式是这样的:


It seems to be working - but when going back to same div and click, it took 2 times to open details again. 似乎可行-但是,当返回相同的div并单击时,花了2次再次打开细节。 Is it normal? 正常吗

Help please. 请帮助。

The easiest way to achieve this is with data binding - rather than modifying the DOM manually (as with $('.more').hide() ), put the extra detail inside a block that is only rendered when some value is truthy, and let Ractive determine when to show and hide it: 实现此目的的最简单方法是数据绑定-而不是手动修改DOM(例如$('.more').hide() ),而是将额外的细节放在仅当某些值是真实的时才呈现的块中,并让Ractive确定何时显示和隐藏它:

<div class="more" on-click="set('showDetail', true)">
  {{#if showDetail}}      
    <div class="icon-close" on-tap="set('showDetail', false)"></div>

That way, you never run into a situation where the DOM and your viewmodel get out of sync - for a given viewmodel state, there is guaranteed to only be one DOM state. 这样,您就永远不会遇到DOM和视图模型不同步的情况-对于给定的视图模型状态,保证只有一个DOM状态。

Here's a more complete example (click 'Run code snippet'): 这是一个更完整的示例(单击“运行代码段”):

 var ractive = new Ractive({ el: 'main', template: '#template' }); 
 body { font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', arial, sans-serif; font-weight: 200; color: #353535; } button { margin: 0 0 1em 0; } button:last-child { margin: 0; } .detail { background-color: #eee; border: 1px solid #ddd; padding: 1em; } 
 <script src="http://cdn.ractivejs.org/latest/ractive.js"></script> <script src="https://rawgit.com/ractivejs/ractive-transitions-slide/master/ractive-transitions-slide.js"></script> <main></main> <script id='template' type='text/ractive'> <div class='expandable'> <button on-click='toggle("showDetail")'>toggle detail</button> {{#if showDetail}} <div class='detail' intro-outro='slide'> <p>Here is some more detail!</p> <button on-click='set("showDetail",false)'>hide detail</button> </div> {{/if}} </div> </script> 

The other advantage of this approach is that it keeps your DOM tidy - rather than having invisible elements in the page, Ractive only renders what you actually need. 这种方法的另一个优点是,它可使DOM保持整洁-Ractive不会呈现页面中的不可见元素,而是仅呈现您实际需要的内容。

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