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[英]tkinter on enthought canopy (Windows)

tkinter is supposed to be installed with standard python, but on my windows 8.1 computer (using enthought Canopy), I get the following error. tkinter应该与标准python一起安装,但是在我的Windows 8.1计算机(使用有思想的Canopy)上,出现以下错误。 I just updated everything. 我刚刚更新了所有内容。

import tkinter
ImportError                               Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-4-b98d59735c04> in <module>()
----> 1 import tkinter

ImportError: No module named tkinter

I am going to make my comment into an answer for any future readers. 我将对以后的读者发表自己的评论。

You are using Python 2.x. 您正在使用Python2.x。 In this version, the Tkinter library is named Tkinter , not tkinter . 在此版本中,Tkinter库名为Tkinter ,而不是tkinter The lowercase tkinter is Python 3.x's name for the library. 小写的tkinter是该库的Python 3.x名称。

Simply replace your import line with: 只需将您的导入行替换为:

import Tkinter

and the problem will be solved. 问题就会解决。

Keep in mind though that this is the Python 2.x library, so some 3.x features will not be available. 请记住,尽管这是Python 2.x库,所以某些3.x功能将不可用。

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