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[英]Data is missing after using @validate with Schema

I'm working on validating my webapp, which is using Turbogears 2.3.3 and formencode 1.3 我正在验证使用Turbogears 2.3.3和formencode 1.3的Web应用程序

I want to validate a dynamic form that the user has created through a form creation process. 我想验证用户通过表单创建过程创建的动态表单。 I'm sending the form fields from the client to the server using json to help organize things. 我正在使用json将表单字段从客户端发送到服务器,以帮助组织事情。
Here is how I'm sending the data: 这是我发送数据的方式:

var dataToSend = JSON.stringify({
        'num_of_copies': num_of_copies.val(),
        'amountAnswers' : amountAnswers,
        'yesNoAnswers' : yesNoAnswers,
        'selectAnswers' : selectAnswers,

        type: 'POST',
        url: siteProxy+'orders/saveOrderItem',
        data: {'data':dataToSend},
        dataType: "json",
        success: function (data, textStatus) {
            if (textStatus == "success") {
                if (data.errors){
        error: function (data, textStatus) {

On The server I want to validate the data and then do some stuff 在服务器上,我要验证数据,然后执行一些操作

def saveOrderItem(self,**kw):
    answers = json.loads(kw['data'])
    ...... do stuff ...

Without the validations, my code works. 没有验证,我的代码将起作用。

Here is my validation Schema: 这是我的验证架构:

class orderItemSchema(Schema):
    def _convert_to_python(self, value_dict, state):
        value_dict = json.loads(value_dict['data'])
        super(orderItemSchema,self)._convert_to_python(value_dict, state)

    num_of_copies = validators.Number(min=1)
    comments = validators.UnicodeString()
    amountAnswers = ForEach(AmountAnswerValidator())
    yesNoAnswers = ForEach(YesNoAnswerValidator())
    selectAnswers = ForEach(SelectAnswerValidator())

The validation works well. 验证效果很好。

My problem is this: after the validation, kw turns to none, and I can't do stuff in 我的问题是:验证后,kw变为无,并且我无法进行处理

def saveOrderItem(self,**kw):

I think the problem lies somewhere in this part of the code: 我认为问题出在代码的这一部分:

class orderItemSchema(Schema):
    def _convert_to_python(self, value_dict, state):
        value_dict = json.loads(value_dict['data'])
        super(orderItemSchema,self)._convert_to_python(value_dict, state)

Thanks for the help 谢谢您的帮助

Probably orderItemSchema._convert_to_python is missing return value. orderItemSchema._convert_to_python可能缺少返回值。 Should be return super(orderItemSchema,self)._convert_to_python(value_dict, state) or you will be returning None as the converted value. 应该return super(orderItemSchema,self)._convert_to_python(value_dict, state)否则您将返回None作为转换后的值。

If you are using a recent tg version I suggest you also have a look at @decode_params decorator ( http://turbogears.readthedocs.org/en/latest/reference/classes.html#tg.decorators.decode_params ), it will extract the controller parameters from the json body and let validation flow as usual. 如果您使用的是最新的tg版本,建议您也查看@decode_params装饰器( http://turbogears.readthedocs.org/en/latest/reference/classes.html#tg.decorators.decode_params ),它将提取json主体中的控制器参数,然后像往常一样进行验证。 It will avoid the two json.load in your code. 它将避免代码中的两个json.load

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