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[英]Checking if array contains two objects

I'm attempting to implement the containsObject but with two parameters, is this possible? 我正在尝试实现带有两个参数的containsObject,这可能吗?

Currently I've got: 目前我有:

if ([ myArray containsObject:@"Object1", @"Object2"]){
    return result;
} else {
    return NO;

and apparently there's too many arguments. 显然有太多的争论。 I've delved through Apple's docs but I'm yet to find anything. 我已经研究过Apple的文档,但还没有找到任何东西。 Any suggestions? 有什么建议么?

Why not just do this? 为什么不这样做呢?

if ([ myArray containsObject:@"Object1" ] && [ myArray containsObject:@"Object 2" ] ){
    return result;
} else {
    return NO;

There is too many arguments, containsObject is for a single object. 太多的争论,containsObject是针对单个对象。 (You can read its official documentation here ) To fix your problem, use the && operator and call containsObject on each object individually. (您可以在此处阅读其官方文档)要解决问题,请使用&&运算符,并分别对每个对象调用containsObject。

if ([myArray containsObject:@"Object1"] && [myArray containsObject@"Object2"]){
    return result;
} else {
return NO;

You will have to evaluate them individually. 您将不得不分别评估它们。 Example: 例:

bool MONNSArrayContainsAllObjectsIn(NSArray* const pArray, NSArray* const pSought) {
 assert(0 < pSought.count);

 for (id at in pSought) {
  if (false == [pArray containsObject:at]) {
   return false;
 return true;

Then your code above becomes: 然后,上面的代码变为:

return MONNSArrayContainsAllObjectsIn(myArray, @[@"Object1", @"Object2"]);

If you are working with a known number of elements (2 in this case), then you can avoid creating the temporary array -- if you prefer to make that optimization and write out all variants you need, including parameters. 如果您正在使用已知数量的元素(在这种情况下为2),则可以避免创建临时数组-如果您希望进行优化并写出所需的所有变体(包括参数)。 Other answers detail this approach. 其他答案详细介绍了这种方法。

If you have large arrays and many comparisons to perform, NSSet may be better suited for your task. 如果要执行的数组很大且有许多比较,则NSSet可能更适合您的任务。

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