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[英]Replace specific words in textarea and highlight changes?

I am working on a very large project and having to convert a lot FoxPro to C#. 我正在做一个非常大的项目,必须将很多FoxPro转换为C#。 I am putting together a tool to help me convert the bulk of the code (that I keep find/replacing anyways) and by no means do I use it as a fix all. 我正在整理一个工具来帮助我转换大部分代码(无论如何我都会不断查找/替换),并且决不将其用作修复程序。 What I'm trying to accomplish is where a common word in FoxPro in the input textarea ("Else" for example) will be replaced with it's C#/Javascript counterpart ("} else {") and the newly converted block of code will be shown in the output textarea. 我要完成的工作是将输入文本区域中FoxPro中的一个常用单词(例如“ Else”)替换为C#/ Javascript对应项(“} else {”),并将新转换的代码块替换为显示在输出文本区域中。 So I'm creating a list of replacements: 因此,我正在创建替换列表:

var replacements = [ 
                    ["?thisform.", "@"], 
                    ["Else", "} else {"],
                    ["*--", "//"]

and for each first word found in the input textarea, replace with the second word and paste the entire block in the output. 对于在输入文本区域中找到的每个第一个单词,请替换为第二个单词,并将整个块粘贴到输出中。 I have some moderately working examples in the fiddle. 我在提琴中有一些适度工作的例子。

    var input = $('#codeinput').val();

    replacements.forEach(function(pair) {
        converted = input.split(pair[0]).join(pair[1]);

    //var converted = $("#codeinput").val()
                    //.replace("?thisform.", "@"); 

    // and paste final output

BONUS POINTS Can we also highlight the changed words in the input and output (i understand we cannot highlight in textareas so maybe make this a div instead)? 奖励要点我们还可以在输入和输出中突出显示更改的单词吗(我知道我们不能在textareas中突出显示,所以可以将其改为div)? http://jsfiddle.net/aa72vg2c/10/ http://jsfiddle.net/aa72vg2c/10/

You overwriting "converted" with last input replace, so only last value is replaced. 您用最后一个输入替换覆盖“转换”,因此仅替换了最后一个值。 And why use split join instead simple replace? 为什么使用拆分联接而不是简单替换? It should look like this: 它看起来应该像这样:

converted = input;
replacements.forEach(function(pair) {
    converted = converted.replace(pair[0], pair[1]);

If you wanna colors you can always do something like this: 如果您想着色,可以随时执行以下操作:

converted = converted.replace(pair[0], '<span class="someclass">'+pair[1]+'</span>');

and place it into div instead of text area. 并将其放入div而不是文本区域。

why not using replace as you first did? 为什么不像您第一次那样使用replace?

var replacements = [ 
                    ["?thisform.", "@"], 
                    ["Else", "} else {"],
                    ["*--", "//"],
                    ["\n", "<br>"],

    var input = $('#codeinput').val();

    replacements.forEach(function(pair) {
        input = input.replace( pair[0], '<span class="high">'+ pair[1]+'</span>', "g");

    // and paste final output

add the g flag to replace to get all occurences. 添加g标志进行replace以获取所有出现次数。


Add divs input and output , and this should do it: 添加divs inputoutput ,应该这样做:

  var input = output = $('#codeinput').val();
  for(var val in array) {
    input= input.split(val).join('<span class="high">'+val+'</span>');
    output= output.split(val).join('<span class="high">'+array[val]+'</span>');

http://jsfiddle.net/4su60eLm/1/ http://jsfiddle.net/4su60eLm/1/

Global replacement would be easy task with Regexp: 使用Regexp,全局替换将是一件容易的事:

    var replacements = [
     ["Else", "} else {"],
     ["\\*\\-\\-", "//"],
     ["\\?thisform.", "@"]

    var input = $('#codeinput').val();
    $.each(replacements, function(index, value){
     input = input.replace(new RegExp(value[0], 'g'),
              '<span class="high">'+ value[1]+'</span>');

And pay much attention to escape special characters for Regexp - see first array values in my example. 并且要特别注意转义Regexp的特殊字符-请参见示例中的第一个数组值。

Working jsfiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/aa72vg2c/13/ 工作的jsfiddle: http : //jsfiddle.net/aa72vg2c/13/

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