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[英]php and mysql problems with updating two tables, and inserting into two tables with one button

Here is some of my code for my checkout page. 这是我的结帐页面的一些代码。 I am new to php, this is my first semester, and I am still struggling. 我是php新手,这是我的第一学期,但我仍在努力。 This page collects orders added to the cart and displays and totals the orders perfectly. 此页面收集添加到购物车的订单,并完美显示和汇总订单。 Here is my problem. 这是我的问题。

Sometimes there will be OrderIn products and there can be none or more than one of these, and there can also be OrderOut products, or none. 有时会有OrderIn产品,可能不存在或不止其中之一,也可能存在OrderOut产品,或者不存在。 complicated, I know. 我知道很复杂。 I may be trying to do too much. 我可能正在尝试做太多事情。 When I press the pay this invoice button, I want to collect the Order ID's, no matter how many or what kind, (out or in) and set the order ID Paid to yes, and insert the OrderId's into the appropriate invoice, invoice_in or invoice_out, and set shipped to NO. 当我按“付款此发票”按钮时,我想收集(无论是多少还是哪种)订单ID(出库或入库),并将“已支付的订单ID”设置为“是”,然后将OrderId插入相应的发票invoice_in或invoice_out,并设置为否。

Is this possible, it is changing the OrderId_in, first product only to yes, and now I am getting a MySQL error of "You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '75.18', 'No')' at line 2". 是否可以,将第一个产品OrderId_in更改为yes,现在我收到一个MySQL错误“ SQL语法有误;请查看与您的MySQL服务器版本相对应的手册以获取正确的语法,在第2行的'75 .18','No')'附近使用。” I could use some direction here please. 我可以在这里使用一些指示。

<div class="tablecheckOut">
<form action='checkout.php' method='post'>
<p><strong>Purchases this invoice: </strong><br><br>
echo "<table class='middlecheckOut'> 
<td class='td2'><b>Order ID: </b></td>
<td class='td2'><b>Product Name: </b></td>
<td class='td2'><b>Quantity: </b></td>
<td class='td2'><b>Price: </b></td>

if (isset($_GET['user_id'])) {     
    $user_id = $_GET['user_id']; 
} elseif (isset($_POST['user_id']))  {    
    $user_id = $_POST['user_id'];

$display="SELECT * 
    FROM order_instate JOIN in_Product ON 
    order_instate.ip_id = in_product.ip_id
    WHERE user_id = '$user_id'; " ; 

$displayResult = @mysqli_query($dbhandle, $display)
            or die(mysqli_error($dbhandle));

$priceIn = 0;
while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($displayResult, MYSQLI_ASSOC)) { 
    if($row['orderIn_paid'] == "No") {      
echo "<tr>
<input type='hidden' name='ip_id' value='" . $row['ip_id'] . "' />
<td class='td2'>" . $row['orderIn_id'] . " &nbsp&nbsp</td>
<td class='td2'>" . $row['ip_name'] . " &nbsp&nbsp</td>
<td class='td2'>" . $row['orderIn_quantity'] . " &nbsp&nbsp</td>
<td class='td2'>$" . $row['orderIn_total'] . " &nbsp&nbsp</td>

 $priceIn += $row['orderIn_total'];
 $orderIn_id = $row['orderIn_id'];
 $_SESSION['orderIn'] = $orderIn_id;

 if (isset($_GET['user_id'])) {     
    $user_id = $_GET['user_id']; 
} elseif (isset($_POST['user_id']))  {    
    $user_id = $_POST['user_id'];

$display2="SELECT * 
    FROM order_outstate JOIN op_Product ON 
    order_outstate.op_id = op_product.op_id
    WHERE user_id = '$user_id'; " ; 

$displayResult2 = @mysqli_query($dbhandle, $display2)
            or die(mysqli_error($dbhandle));

 $priceOut = 0;
while($row2 = mysqli_fetch_array($displayResult2, MYSQLI_ASSOC)) { 
    if($row2['orderOut_paid'] == "No") {        
echo "<tr>
<input type='hidden' name='op_id' value='" . $row2['op_id'] . "' />
<td class='td2'>" . $row2['orderOut_id'] . " &nbsp&nbsp</td>
<td class='td2'>" . $row2['op_name'] . " &nbsp&nbsp</td>
<td class='td2'>" . $row2['orderOut_quantity'] . " &nbsp&nbsp</td>
<td class='td2'>$" . $row2['orderOut_total'] . " &nbsp&nbsp</td>

 $priceOut += $row2['orderOut_total'];
 $orderOut_id = $row['orderOut_id'];
 $_SESSION['orderOut'] = $orderOut_id;

echo "</table>";

$subtotal = 0;
$tax = 0;
$gtotal = 0;
$subtotal = number_format($priceIn + $priceOut, 2);
$tax = number_format($subtotal * .074, 2);
$gtotal = number_format($subtotal + $tax, 2);

<p><strong>Total Amount of Purchase(s): <?php echo "$" . " $subtotal " ?></strong></p>
<p><strong>Tax this invoice (7.4%): <?php echo "$" . " $tax " ?>  </strong></p>
<p><strong>Grand Total of Invoice: <?php echo "$" . " $gtotal " ?>  </strong></p>
<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Pay This Invoice" style="width: 162px; height:   37px" >
<input type="button" name="print" value="Print This Invoice" style="width:162px; height: 37px" onclick="window.print()">

if($_SERVER['METHOD'] == 'POST') {

    if(isset($_SESSION['orderIn'])) {
        $orderIn_id = $_SESSION['orderIn'];
        $orderIn_paid = "Yes";

    $changeVal="UPDATE order_instate
                 SET orderIn_paid = '$orderIn_paid'
                 WHERE orderIn_id = '$orderIn_id'; " ; 

    $changeCheck=mysqli_query($dbhandle, $changeVal) 
                        or die(mysqli_error($dbhandle));

    if(isset($_SESSION['orderOut'])) {          
        $orderOut_id = $_SESSION['orderOut'];       
        $orderOut_paid = "Yes";

    $changeVal2="UPDATE order_outstate
                 SET  orderOut_paid = '$orderOut_paid'
                 WHERE orderOut_id = '$orderOut_id'; " ; 

    $changeCheck2=mysqli_query($dbhandle, $changeVal2) 
                        or die(mysqli_error($dbhandle));

    $invoiceIn_total = 0;
    $invoiceIn_total = $gtotal;
    $invoiceIn_shipped = "No";

    $add ="INSERT INTO invoice_in(user_id, orderIn_id, invoiceIn_total, invoiceIn_shipped)
                VALUES ('$user_id', '$orderIn_id '$invoiceIn_total', '$invoiceIn_shipped')"; 

    $addCheck=mysqli_query($dbhandle, $add)
                        or die(mysqli_error($dbhandle));

    $invoiceOut_total = 0;
    $invoiceOut_total = $gtotal;
    $invoiceOut_shipped = "No";

    $add2 ="INSERT INTO invoice_out(user_id, orderOut_id, invoiceOut_total, invoiceOut_shipped)
                VALUES ('$user_id', '$orderOut_total '$invoiceOut_total', '$invoiceOut_shipped')"; 

    $addCheck2=mysqli_query($dbhandle, $add2)
                        or die(mysqli_error($dbhandle));

    header("location: userOrders.php");


There are a few things wrong with your code. 您的代码有些错误。


VALUES ('$user_id', '$orderIn_id  '$invoiceIn_total',

is missing a quote and a comma 缺少引号和逗号


VALUES ('$user_id', '$orderIn_id',  '$invoiceIn_total',

same thing for 同样的事情

VALUES ('$user_id', '$orderOut_total  '$invoiceOut_total',


VALUES ('$user_id', '$orderOut_total', '$invoiceOut_total',

which are where the SQL errors come from. 这些是SQL错误的来源。

$orderOut_total is undefined in your posted code. 发布的代码中未定义$orderOut_total

Plus, from a comment you made: 另外,根据您的评论:

"Fred, I found why my OrderOut_id was not getting populated, I found a syntax error, I was creating and defining the variable without using the correct $row2 to grab it. It now works for both OrderIn and OrderOut, although I have not tested for multiple orders. But I am getting it working, thanks to you Fred, that worked in finding my exact syntax error." “弗雷德,我发现了为什么我的OrderOut_id没有被填充,我发现了一个语法错误,我在创建和定义变量时没有使用正确的$ row2来抓取它。尽管我尚未测试,但它现在适用于OrderIn和OrderOut。多订单。但是,由于弗雷德(Fred)的帮助,我找到了确切的语法错误。

  • Which came to be the final solution to the problem. 最终成为解决问题的方法。

I must note that your present code is open to SQL injection . 我必须注意 ,您当前的代码可以进行SQL注入 Use prepared statements , or PDO with prepared statements , they're much safer . 使用预处理语句或将PDO与预处理语句结合 使用起来更加安全

Add error reporting to the top of your file(s) which will help find errors. 错误报告添加到文件顶部,这将有助于发现错误。

ini_set('display_errors', 1);

// rest of your code

Sidenote: Error reporting should only be done in staging, and never production. 旁注:错误报告仅应在登台进行,而不应在生产过程中进行。

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