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从Symantec Code Signing证书创建pfx文件

[英]Create pfx file from Symantec code signing certificate

We have a password-protected pfx file, expiring in a few days, which we use to sign our exes. 我们有一个受密码保护的pfx文件,该文件将在几天后过期,我们用它来对exe进行签名。

We have renewed our SSL certificate from Symantec, but all we have received is a bunch of data: 我们已经从Symantec更新了SSL证书,但是我们收到的只是一堆数据:

Below is your Code Signing certificate:

base-64 encoded data

Below is the intermediate CA certificate:

base-64 encoded data

Below is your certificate in pkcs7 format:

base-64 encoded data

I have seen a few tutorials to create pfx files from .cer and .key files, but the fun part is, Symantec doesn't use the same terminology as the rest of the world. 我看过一些教程,可以从.cer和.key文件创建pfx文件,但有趣的是,赛门铁克没有使用与世界其他地方相同的术语。 So I don't know which is which. 所以我不知道是哪个。 And no single tutorial explains what should be in the files, so I can't go from there either. 而且没有一个教程可以解释文件中应该包含的内容,因此我也无法从那里开始。 So, I don't know how to create the .key file, for instance. 因此,例如,我不知道如何创建.key文件。

Thanks! 谢谢!

It turns out that the main requirement is to install the certificate on a browser, from the computer that has made the request for a new certificate . 事实证明,主要要求是从发出新证书请求的计算机上的浏览器中安装证书

Then, most browsers (IE, FF, Chrome) can export it to PFX from the installed certificates list. 然后,大多数浏览器(IE,FF,Chrome)可以将其从已安装的证书列表导出到PFX。

More info can be found here: 可以在这里找到更多信息:

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