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[英]Deserialize list of JSON objects

I got a Windows Phone 8.1 app. 我有一个Windows Phone 8.1应用程序。

I am trying to parse a list of objects returned by my Web API call. 我正在尝试解析Web API调用返回的对象列表。

On my server I have this code: 在我的服务器上,我有以下代码:

Default.aspx : Default.aspx

public static List<Shared.PremisesResponse> GetPremises(string emailaddress)
    Premises premises = new Premises();
    return premises.GetPremises(emailaddress);

In that premise object class 在那个前提下的对象类

    public List<Shared.PremisesResponse> GetPremises(string emailAlias)
        DAL dal = new DAL();
        List<Shared.PremisesResponse> premises = new List<Shared.PremisesResponse>();

            DataSet dtMacs = dal.GetMacs(emailAlias);

            for (int index = 0; index < dtMacs.Tables[0].Rows.Count; index++)
                Shared.PremisesResponse itemMAC1 = new Shared.PremisesResponse();
                itemMAC1.PremiseName = dtMacs.Tables[0].Rows[index]["PremiseName"].ToString().Trim();
                itemMAC1.Alias = dtMacs.Tables[0].Rows[index]["Alias"].ToString().Trim();
        catch (Exception ex)
            Email2.SendError("Premises.GetPremises:" + ex.ToString(), emailAlias);
            Shared.PremisesResponse itemMAC1 = new Shared.PremisesResponse();
            itemMAC1.PremiseName = "ERROR";
            itemMAC1.Alias = ex.ToString();
        return premises;

The class Shared.Premise : Shared.Premise

    public class PremisesResponse
        public string PremiseName;
        public string Alias;

In my WP8.1 client app: 在我的WP8.1客户端应用程序中:

    public async static Task<List<D2>> GetPremises( string emailaddress)
        List<D2> premises = new List<D2>();
            using (var client = new HttpClient())
                var resp = await client.PostAsJsonAsync("http://my url/NativeApp/Default.aspx/GetPremises",
                                                         new { emailaddress = emailaddress });

                var str = await resp.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
                var premisesResponse = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<D2>>(str);
                foreach (var pr in premisesResponse)
                    D2 d2 = new D2();
                    d2.Alias = pr.Alias;
                    d2.PremiseName = pr.PremiseName;
        catch (Exception ex)
            //evMessage(Enums.MessageType.Error, serverRegister);
        return premises;

And the objects I am using in my client: 以及我在客户端中使用的对象:

public class D2
    public string __type { get; set; }
    public string PremiseName;
    public string Alias;
public class PremisesResponse
    public D2 d { get; set; }

'var str' returns this value: 'var str'返回此值:

{"d":[{"__type":"InformedMotionBiz.Shared+PremisesResponse","PremiseName":"Informatica 2000","Alias":"9A5C3-E1945-3D315-BB43C"},{"__type":"InformedMotionBiz.Shared+PremisesResponse","PremiseName":"My Office","Alias":"40387-69918-FC22F-C444B"}]}

The error occurs on this line: 该行发生错误:

var premisesResponse = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<PremisesResponse>>(str);

The error message is: 错误消息是:

[Informed.D2]' because the type requires a JSON array (eg [1,2,3]) to deserialize correctly. [Informed.D2]',因为该类型需要JSON数组(例如[1,2,3])才能正确反序列化。 To fix this error either change the JSON to a JSON array (eg [1,2,3]) or change the deserialized type so that it is a normal .NET type (eg not a primitive type like integer, not a collection type like an array or List) that can be deserialized from a JSON object. 要解决此错误,可以将JSON更改为JSON数组(例如[1,2,3]),也可以更改反序列化类型,使其成为普通的.NET类型(例如,不像整数这样的原始类型,也不像这样的集合类型)数组或列表),可以从JSON对象反序列化。 JsonObjectAttribute can also be added to the type to force it to deserialize from a JSON object. 还可以将JsonObjectAttribute添加到类型中,以强制其从JSON对象反序列化。
Path 'd', line 1, position 5. 路径“ d”,第1行,位置5。

I have no problems returning a single value, just with returning a list of this object. 我没有问题返回单个值,只需返回此对象的列表即可。

Any pointers would be helpful. 任何指针都会有所帮助。

Thanks 谢谢

You're trying to deserialize a List<D2> rather than a single D2 object: 您正在尝试反序列化List<D2>而不是单个D2对象:

public class PremisesResponse
    public D2[] d { get; set; }

And then simply: 然后简单地:

PremisesResponse response = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<PremisesResponse>(str);

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