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是否有可能在collectionview sizeForItemAtIndexPath委托方法内获取单元格的标记?

[英]Is it possible to get a cell's tag within the collectionview sizeForItemAtIndexPath delegate method?

When I call the following delegate method: 当我调用以下委托方法时:

- (CGSize)collectionView:(UICollectionView *)collectionView layout:(UICollectionViewLayout *)collectionViewLayout sizeForItemAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath {

    float cellWidth = 90.0f; float cellHeight = 60.0f;

    int cellType = [[collectionView cellForItemAtIndexPath:indexPath] tag];

    return CGSizeMake(cellWidth, cellHeight);


cellType returns 0. [collectionView cellForItemAtIndexPath:] also returns nil cellType返回0。[collectionView cellForItemAtIndexPath:]也返回nil

I am guessing this is because the cell is not sized, so it is not displayed, and when it's not displayed, it returns nil (ie this method is called prior to the instance of the cell object being created). 我猜这是因为单元格没有设置大小,所以不显示,并且当不显示时,它返回nil(即,在创建单元格对象的实例之前调用此方法)。

Is there a way to get information that was set for this item in the collectionView:cellForItemAtIndexPath method? 有没有一种方法可以获取在collectionView:cellForItemAtIndexPath方法中为此项目设置的信息? How can an individual cell type be identified within the sizeForItemAtIndexPath method? 如何在sizeForItemAtIndexPath方法中标识单个单元格类型?

(I plan on using the data source NSArray, but I was trying to keep this logic within the display object, and not managed by the data.) (我计划使用数据源NSArray,但我试图将这种逻辑保留在显示对象中,而不是由数据进行管理。)

Thinking here of doing something like: 在这里考虑做类似的事情:

var cell;

if let (cell = collectionView.cellForItemAtIndexPath(indexPath))
   //get the cell's tag and do what is needed.

But I don't know if cell will return a value or not in the sizeForCell Method 但我不知道cell是否会在sizeForCell方法中返回值

I don't think tag is reliable because of cell reuse. 我不认为标签是可靠的,因为单元复用。 I would suggest using the same logic you are using in cellForItemAtIndexPath to identify the data in your NSArray. 我建议使用与cellForItemAtIndexPath中使用的相同逻辑来标识NSArray中的数据。 Then determine what size to return based on the data. 然后根据数据确定要返回的大小。 In other words, rely on your data source in both cellForItemAtIndexPath and sizeForItemAtIndexPath, instead of making sizeForItemAtIndexPath dependent on cellForItemAtIndexPath. 换句话说,在cellForItemAtIndexPath和sizeForItemAtIndexPath中都依赖于您的数据源,而不是使sizeForItemAtIndexPath依赖于cellForItemAtIndexPath。

If you need to get the cell first you need to dequeue it. 如果需要先获取单元,则需要将其出队。 because layoutAttributesForItemAtIndexPath will be get called before itemAtIndexPath that was the reason you are getting nil . 因为layoutAttributesForItemAtIndexPath将在itemAtIndexPath之前被调用,这就是得到nil的原因。

Secondly You will get the tag for item only if you are reusing that view other wise all view have same tag 0 . 其次,仅当您重复使用该视图时,否则您将获得item的标签,否则所有视图都具有相同的标签0 But If you know about which identifier is used for dequeuing the cell use that identifier to give your conditional height. 但是,如果您知道哪个标识符用于使单元出队,请使用该标识符给出条件高度。

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