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[英]How to add Spine animation to Phaser game?

I am new to Phaser and the whole javascript games, and I am trying to add Spine animation to Phaser. 我是Phaser和整个javascript游戏的新手,我正在尝试将Phaine动画添加到Phaser。 Is there a way to do that? 有没有办法做到这一点? I also tried to play my animation using Pixi.js and it worked. 我也尝试使用Pixi.js播放我的动画并且它有效。 Also I know that Phaser is built on top of Pixi, can access Pixi directly from Phaser or I have to add both libraries into my project and use Pixi for Spine animation and use Phaser for other tasks? 另外我知道Phaser是建立在Pixi之上的,可以直接从Phaser访问Pixi,或者我必须将两个库添加到我的项目中并使用Pixi进行Spine动画并使用Phaser执行其他任务? Any code samples would be very helpful. 任何代码示例都非常有用。

Old but just in case someone is looking, you should try to add https://github.com/pixijs/pixi-spine 旧的,但万一有人在看,你应该尝试添加https://github.com/pixijs/pixi-spine

Not using Phaser but an other engine using PIXI to for rendering and I made it work, same for all "PIXI plugins". 不使用Phaser,而是使用PIXI进行渲染的其他引擎,我使其工作,所有“PIXI插件”都一样。

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