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[英]How solve circular reference in Caliburn.Micro

I am working with Caliburn.Micro v2.0.1 on a Windows 8.1 Unversal (WinRT) project. 我正在Windows 8.1 Unversal(WinRT)项目上使用Caliburn.Micro v2.0.1。

I followed the Caliburn.Micro Working with WinRT example. 我以Caliburn.Micro使用WinRT为例。

My code looks as follows: 我的代码如下所示:

App.xaml.cs App.xaml.cs

protected override void OnLaunched(LaunchActivatedEventArgs args)

protected override void PrepareViewFirst(Frame rootFrame)

LoginViewModel.cs LoginViewModel.cs

public LoginViewModel(INavigationService navigationService, ...)

The issue 问题

The OnLaunched is called first. OnLaunched调用OnLaunched

Initialize() Configures the WinRT container. Initialize()配置WinRT容器。

  1. The DisplayRootViewFor<LoginViewModel> invokes an instance of the LoginViewModel and results in a Null exception because NavigationService has not yet been registered by PrepareViewFirst(Frame) 所述DisplayRootViewFor<LoginViewModel>调用的实例LoginViewModel和因为的NavigationService尚未通过注册导致空异常PrepareViewFirst(Frame)
  2. PrepareViewFirst(Frame) is not yet called, having a dependency on the RootFrame that should be configured by OnLaunched PrepareViewFirst(Frame)尚未调用,它依赖于RootFrame配置的OnLaunched

Thus LoginViewModel is dependent on RegisterNavigationService and RegisterNavigationService is dependent on DisplayRootViewFor<LoginViewModel>() which is dependent on LoginViewModel 因此, LoginViewModel依赖于RegisterNavigationServiceRegisterNavigationService依赖于DisplayRootViewFor<LoginViewModel>() ,后者依赖于LoginViewModel

Is there any way to overcome this circular reference issue? 有什么办法可以克服这个循环参考问题?

Register your services in the container before resolving the Views - this way all dependencies are available in the particular Dependency Injection container and you can use ServiceLocator to find them. 在解决Views之前,先在容器中注册服务-这样,所有依赖关系都可以在特定的依赖注入容器中使用,并且您可以使用ServiceLocator来查找它们。

Typically I've always done this in the OnStartup() method of App.xaml.cs . 通常,我总是在App.xaml.csOnStartup()方法中完成此操作。

You should register/configure your container at the composition root , the earliest access point of your application. 您应该在组合根目录 (应用程序的最早访问点)上注册/配置容器。

This point depends on what kind of Application you have: 这点取决于您拥有哪种应用程序:

etc. 等等

Check the Windows 7 lifecycle on http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/magazine/hh148153.aspx http://msdn.microsoft.com/zh-cn/magazine/hh148153.aspx上检查Windows 7生命周期 在此处输入图片说明

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