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[英]kCFCalendarUnitWeek deprecated in iOS8

I had a local notification and I set repeatInterval like this 我有一个本地通知,并像这样设置repeatInterval

notification.repeatInterval = kCFCalendarUnitWeek;

but now kCFCalendarUnitWeek is deprecated. 但现在不建议使用kCFCalendarUnitWeek

What can I use instead of this constant. 我可以用什么代替这个常数。

Thanks a lot.. 非常感谢..

Use NSCalendarUnitWeekOfYear with the repeatInterval of your UILocalNotification . NSCalendarUnitWeekOfYearNSCalendarUnitWeekOfYearrepeatInterval UILocalNotification If you had used the NSWeekCalendarUnit , it would have informed you to use either NSCalendarUnitWeekOfYear or NSCalendarUnitWeekOfMonth , and in this case you want to use the former. 如果您使用过NSWeekCalendarUnit ,它将通知您使用NSCalendarUnitWeekOfYearNSCalendarUnitWeekOfMonth ,在这种情况下,您想使用前者。

See https://stackoverflow.com/a/25555560/1271826 . 参见https://stackoverflow.com/a/25555560/1271826

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