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[英]How to reset attributes in NSTextStorage

I am trying to a text parser for iOS. 我正在尝试iOS的文本解析器。 I have some syntax to bold, italic, highlight, etc. I have set it up in a UITextView with an instance of NSTextStorage to monitor the changes and set the correct attributes. 我有一些粗体,斜体,高亮等语法。我已经在UITextView设置了NSTextStorage实例来监控更改并设置正确的属性。 If I preload the UITextView with text it works great. 如果我使用文本预加载UITextView ,它可以很好地工作。

However when I'm typing and let's say I type something like this 但是,当我打字时,让我说我键入这样的东西


It works great it highlights it yellow and everything is fine. 它的效果非常好,它突出黄色,一切都很好。 However if I place the cursor right next to the last == and starting typing to create something like this: 但是,如果我将光标放在最后一个==旁边并开始输入以创建如下内容:

==a==hello my name is...

Then the rest of the text also gets highlighted. 然后文本的其余部分也会突出显示。

I know the regex I use is not the problem because if I pre fill the UITextView with that text it parses it correctly. 我知道我使用的正则表达式不是问题,因为如果我预先用该文本填充UITextView ,它会正确解析它。

Question: So what I need help with is resetting the the current cursor position to no text attributes. 问:所以我需要帮助的是将当前光标位置重置为无文本属性。 I'm not sure how to do that because if it is at the end of the text view I can't go forward because then I get an NSRangeException . 我不知道该怎么做,因为如果它在文本视图的末尾我不能继续前进,因为那时我得到一个NSRangeException

Thanks! 谢谢!

I figured this out, what you have to do is in the delegate for UITextView implement the textViewDidChange: method and set the typingAttributes . 我想通了,你要做的是在UITextViewdelegate中实现typingAttributes textViewDidChange:方法并设置typingAttributes

Like this: 像这样:

- (void)textViewDidChange:(UITextView *)textView {
    textview.typingAttributes = @{...};

Now every time the text updates it will reset to the default attributes. 现在,每次文本更新时,它都将重置为默认属性。

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