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[英]Python import issue for different subpackages

I am trying to implement following hierarchy. 我正在尝试实现以下层次结构。 My final goal is myscpt.sh should run from any folder 我的最终目标是myscpt.sh应该从任何文件夹运行

But I am getting import errors. 但是我收到导入错误。

What is the best approach to implement such type of hierarchical architecture? 实现此类分层体系结构的最佳方法是什么?

|-- foo/
    |-- test.py   
    |-- common/     
    |-- utils/
    |-- api/
    |-- scripts/
          |-- myscript.py
|-- bin/myscpt.sh
|-- etc/foo.conf

bin/myscpt.sh 斌/ myscpt.sh

/usr/bin/python /path/FooSoft/foo/script/myscript.py /path/FooSoft/etc/foo.conf

foo/script/myscript.py 富/脚本/ myscript.py

from ..common import *
from ..utils import *
from ..test import *
<Doing some stuff>

I am using .. import in most of modules to avoid absolute path. 我在大多数模块中使用.. import以避免绝对路径。

Typically I resolve import errors by always using the package root as a reference. 通常,我总是通过将软件包根目录用作参考来解决导入错误。

First, I would include a setup.py file in the project root, and add in a minimal setuptools wrapper . 首先,我将在项目根目录中包含setup.py文件,并添加一个最小的setuptools包装器

python setup.py develop

Then you don't have to worry about where you run the script from. 然后,您不必担心从何处运行脚本。 Your imports become as follows: 您的导入内容如下:

from foo.common import *
from foo.utils import *
from foo.test import *

Explicit relative imports with leading dots like from ..common import anything can be used only from a code that has been imported as a submodule of the package eg foo.scripts , but not from the the code imported as __main__ script, even if the script path contains .../foo/scripts/... . 带有类似from ..common import anything前导点的显式相对导入只能从已作为包的子模块导入的代码(例如foo.scripts ,但不能从作为__main__脚本导入的代码中使用,即使该脚本路径包含.../foo/scripts/... The main script must use absolute imports or it can be used as module by something like python -c "from foo.scripts import myscript; myscript.run()" . 主脚本必须使用绝对导入,或者可以由python -c "from foo.scripts import myscript; myscript.run()"用作模块。 (install the foo or use PYTHONPATH=/path/FooSoft). (安装foo或使用PYTHONPATH = / path / FooSoft)。 See Intra-package References in the docs or a similar question . 请参阅文档中的“包装内参考 ”或类似问题

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