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如何在Windows Store应用开发中的图像上写文字? C#,WPF

[英]How to write text on image in windows store app development? C#,wpf

I have search so much on this topic and I couldn't find a way to draw a text on image or even a create an image and then draw a text in windows store app. 我在这个主题上进行了太多搜索,找不到在图像上绘制文本甚至创建图像然后在Windows Store应用程序中绘制文本的方法。

Is there way to load image from ms-appx:///Assets/image.png and write a text on the center of the image that passes somehow and save it into ms-appdata:///roaming/image11.png ? 有没有办法从ms-appx:///Assets/image.png加载图像,并在图像的中心写入以某种方式传递的文本,然后将其保存到ms-appdata:///roaming/image11.png

Use RenderTargetBitmap - this article has a pretty good explanation for Windows Store apps: http://social.technet.microsoft.com/wiki/contents/articles/20648.using-the-rendertargetbitmap-in-windows-store-apps-with-xaml-and-c.aspx . 使用RenderTargetBitmap本文对Windows Store应用程序有一个很好的解释: http : //social.technet.microsoft.com/wiki/contents/articles/20648.using-the-rendertargetbitmap-in-windows-store-apps-with -xaml-and-c.aspx

If you meant WPF, it's similar: http://wpftutorial.net/BitmapFromVisual.html (just create a image control with textbox for the Visual ) 如果您指的是WPF,则类似于: http : //wpftutorial.net/BitmapFromVisual.html (只需使用Visual文本框创建图像控件)

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