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播放2.3.x框架:如何拒绝所有非application / json请求

[英]play 2.3.x framework: How to decline all non application/json requests

In play 2.3, how can I automatically reject (return BadRequest) all incoming requests that are not of type application/json? 在播放2.3中,如何自动拒绝(返回BadRequest)所有非application / json类型的传入请求? Is there an annotation type like for BodyParsers? 是否有类似于BodyParsers的注释类型?

I don't want to add an extra check: 我不想添加额外的支票:

public static Result sendMessage() {
    JsonNode requestBody = request().body().asJson();
    if (requestBody == null) {
        return badRequest("Bad Request: Not JSON request");
return ok();

Probably the most flexible way is creating own interceptor - aka Action composition 也许最灵活的方法是创建自己的拦截器-aka Action composition

Sample RequiredJson.java (let's place it in new annotations package) 样本RequiredJson.java (将其放置在新的annotations包中)

package annotations;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode;
import play.libs.F;
import play.mvc.Http;
import play.mvc.Result;

public class RequiredJson extends play.mvc.Action.Simple {
    public F.Promise<Result> call(Http.Context ctx) throws Throwable {

        boolean hasCorrectType = ctx.request().getHeader("Content-Type") != null && ctx.request().getHeader("Content-Type").equals("application/json");
        JsonNode json = ctx.request().body().asJson();

        if (!hasCorrectType || json == null) {
            return F.Promise.<Result>pure(badRequest("I want JSON!"));
        return delegate.call(ctx);

So you can use this annotation for whole controller(s) or for selected action(s) only like: 因此,您只能将此注释用于整个控制器或选定的动作,例如:


Result: if Content-Type isn't valid or if incoming data isn't valid JSON it returns badRequest, otherwise it calls the requested action as usually. 结果:如果Content-Type无效或传入数据无效JSON,则返回badRequest,否则通常调用请求的操作。

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