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修改 Windows 防火墙规则的用户权限是什么?

[英]What are user rights to modify Windows firewall rules?

I'm trying to use COM objects from FirewallAPI.dll to set Windows Firewall rules programmatically from a C# application.我正在尝试使用 FirewallAPI.dll 中的 COM 对象从 C# 应用程序以编程方式设置 Windows 防火墙规则。 The application is supposed to run under a user account that is not from the Administrators group.该应用程序应该在不是来自管理员组的用户帐户下运行。

I'm struggling with setting this user account permissions to modify the firewall.我正在努力设置此用户帐户权限以修改防火墙。

I gave this user the full access to HKLM\\SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\services\\SharedAccess\\Parameters\\FirewallPolicy, it doesn't help.我给了这个用户对 HKLM\\SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\services\\SharedAccess\\Parameters\\FirewallPolicy 的完全访问权限,它没有帮助。

When I try to use INetFwRule::put_RemoteAddresses, I get access denied exception.当我尝试使用 INetFwRule::put_RemoteAddresses 时,出现访问被拒绝异常。 How to get some information what rights are missing?如何获取一些信息缺少哪些权利?

I found the answer.我找到了答案。 A user has to have a “Network Configuration Operators” group listed with the mandatory flag in her security token.用户必须在其安全令牌中列出一个“网络配置操作员”组,并带有强制标志。

It can be achieved by adding the user to the “Network Configuration Operators” group and running a process with elevated privileges.可以通过将用户添加到“网络配置操作员”组并运行具有提升权限的进程来实现。 Without elevated integrity the group will be listed with “Deny” flag and the user still won't have the access.如果没有提升完整性,组将被列为“拒绝”标志,用户仍然没有访问权限。

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