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分割错误的原因; 函数调用后指针值丢失

[英]Cause for segmentation fault; pointer value lost after function call

I'm getting a segmentation fault error after the call to function, 'flightdynamics'. 调用函数“ flightdynamics”后出现分段错误错误。 The pointer 'impulsevecnorm' seems to 'loose' it's value (ie if I try and access elements it's pointing to, I get a segmentation fault error). 指针“ impulsevecnorm”似乎“松散”了它的值(即,如果我尝试访问它所指向的元素,则会遇到分段错误错误)。 If I pass 'impulsevecnorm' to the function, 'flightdynamics', I can print out it's value uptil the return statement but after return, back in main(), it looses it's value. 如果我将'impulsevecnorm'传递给函数'flightdynamics',我可以在return语句之前打印出它的值,但是在return之后,返回main(),它将失去它的值。 This is odd because in 'flightdynamics' I'm not accessing or changing the value of 'impulsevecnorm' explicitly, so I do not understand why it should 'lose' it's value after. 这很奇怪,因为在“飞行动力学”中我没有明确地访问或更改“ impulsevecnorm”的值,因此我不明白为什么它以后应该“失去”它的价值。 Here's the code: 这是代码:

int main()

double *currstate, *nextstate;
  double *impulsevecnorm;

 /* Start a few for loops */

          currstate = initialize (vx0, vy0);
          impulsevecnorm = impulsecalc (currstate);
          for (i=0; i<NBALLS; i++)
                double terrain[(int) (NSTEPS*2)] = {0};
                double terrainsl[(int) (NSTEPS*2)] = {0};

                  for (j=0; j<NSTEPS; j++)

                  printf("%f \n",impulsevecnorm[1]); // At this point it prints fine
                  nextstate = flightdynamics (currstate, terrain, terrainsl, bcounter, tcounter);
                  printf("%f \n",impulsevecnorm[1]); // here i get a segmentation fault and the code stops running
                  /* to end of function (rest doesn't matter as error appears before this)*/

double * flightdynamics (double *state, double terrain[], double terrainsl[], double counter, int endterr)
    double *out = (double *)malloc ( (NSTATE+3)*sizeof(double) );
    double *hit = (double *)malloc ( 3*sizeof(double) );
    double tx[sizet] = {0}, theight[sizet] = {0};

    for (j = 0; j < sizet; j++)
        tx[j] = ((double) endterr/refine + (double) j)*space;
        theight[j] = randomground();

    gsl_interp_accel *acc = gsl_interp_accel_alloc();
    gsl_spline *spline = gsl_spline_alloc(gsl_interp_akima, sizet);
    gsl_spline_init(spline, tx, theight,sizet);

    for (i = (int) endterr; i< (int) endterr + (int) ((sizet-1)*refine/space); i++)
        terrain[i] = gsl_spline_eval(spline,xi,acc);
        terrainsl[i] = gsl_spline_eval_deriv(spline,xi,acc);
        xi = xi+(double) space/refine;

    newendterr = endterr + sizet*refine/space;

     hit = intersect(vylift,vxlift,xlift,ylift,terrain,(int) (xlift*refine/space),newendterr);

    landx = hit[0];
    thland = terrainsl[(int) (landx*(double)refine/space)];
        out[0] = hit[1]; /*xland */
        out[1] = hit[2]; /*yland  */
        tflight = (out[0] - xlift)/vxlift;
        out[3] = vylift - g*tflight; /* vyland */
      out[2] = vxlift; /* vxland */
      out[4] = philift + wlift*tflight; /* philand */
      out[5] = wlift; /* wland */
      out[6] = thland;
      out[7] = landx;
      out[8] = (double) newendterr;

// if I pass impulsevecnorm to this function I can still print out it's value using printf here

 return out;

double* intersect (double vy, double vx, double currx, double curry, double terrainy[], int counter, int endterr)
    double* out = (double *)malloc ( 3*sizeof(double) );

for (i = counter+1; i < endterr + (sizet-1)*refine; i++)
    xball = (double) i*deltax;

    for(j=start; j<endl; j++)
        xt = (double) j*deltax;
        if (pow(xball-xt,2)+pow((vx*vy*(xball-currx)-g*pow(xball-currx,2)+vx*vx*(curry-terrainy[j]))/(vx*vx),2)<= (double) (rball*rball) && j!=counter)
            out[0] = xt;
            out[1] = xball;
            out[2] = (vx*vy*(xball-currx)-g*pow(xball-currx,2)+vx*vx*curry)/(vx*vx);
            flag = 1;
    if (flag == 1)
return out;

double * impulsecalc (double *state)
  double *out1 = (double *)malloc ( ((int)(NSTATE/2)) * sizeof(double) );
    out1[0]= (1 - rt)*state[2] - rball*rt*state[5] +
            rball*(MI*state[5] + m*rball*((-1 + rt)*state[2] + rball*rt*state[5]))/
            (MI + m*rball*rball);
    out1[1]= (1 - rn)*state[3];
    out1[2]= state[5] - (MI*state[5] + m*rball*((-1 + rt)*state[2] + rball*rt*state[5]))/
            (MI + m*rball*rball);
  return out1;

To make the code shorter I am omitting all variable definitions apart from the pointer definitions. 为了使代码更短,我省略了除指针定义之外的所有变量定义。 Trust that all other variables have been properly defined. 相信所有其他变量均已正确定义。 The functions flightdynamics and intersect are long but I didn't want to hide any bit of code for the sake of brevity in case the source of the error was also left out. 函数flydynamics和intersect很长,但是为了简洁起见,我不想隐藏任何代码,以防错误源也被排除在外。

I'm an amateur programmer. 我是一个业余程序员。 Started working with C only recently. 仅在最近才开始使用C。 Any help with this would be greatly appreciated. 任何帮助,将不胜感激。

Thanks guys. 多谢你们。 The problem was in the terrain and terrainsl arrays. 问题出在terrain和terrainsl阵列中。 I initialized them with too little space. 我用很少的空间初始化了它们。 Was exceeding array bounds in the for loop in the flightdynamics function. 飞行动力学函数中的for循环超出数组范围。

You are writing to state[4] in your method. 您正在写方法中的state[4] If state has less than 5 elements, you are writing to another memory location, which might be impulsevecnorm . 如果state元素少于5个,则您正在写入另一个内存位置,该位置可能是impulsevecnorm

Without any indication what initialize (vx0, vy0); 没有任何指示的是什么initialize (vx0, vy0); might return, I'd guess that it returns less than 5 elements. 可能会返回,我猜想它返回的元素少于5个。

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