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[英]Segmentation Fault with Malloc

I needed to implement and specific ADT, strqueue, for my CS class today and so I wrote up two functions: create_StrQueue(), and add_to_back(StrQueue sq, const char* str). 今天,我需要为我的CS类实现特定的ADT strqueue,因此我编写了两个函数:create_StrQueue()和add_to_back(StrQueue sq,const char * str)。 Unfortunately, when I call create_StrQueue in add_to_back I get a seg fault, and I am unable to figure out why exactly. 不幸的是,当我在add_to_back中调用create_StrQueue时,出现了段错误,并且我无法弄清楚为什么。 Here is the code that I wrote for these two functions: 这是我为这两个函数编写的代码:

[edit] I should probably malloc tempWord in add_to_back. [edit]我可能应该在add_to_back中分配tempWord。

#include <stdlib.h>

// A strqueue is an ADT consisting of words
struct strqueue{
  StrQueue back;    // last StQueue in queue
  StrQueue next;    // next StrQueue in queue

  char* word;       // stored string
  int length;       // length of entire queue

typedef struct strqueue* StrQueue;

StrQueue create_StrQueue(void){

  StrQueue retq = malloc(sizeof(struct strqueue));  // get memory for a new strqueue
  retq->word = malloc(sizeof(char*)); 
  retq->word = NULL;
  retq->back = retq;       // set back pointer to itself
  retq->next = NULL;       // nothing after this strqueue yet

  return retq;

void add_to_back(StrQueue sq, const char* str){

  char* tempWord;

  for(int i=0; str[i]; ++i) tempWord[i]=str[i];  // copy string for the new strqueue

  if(sq->word==NULL) sq->word = tempWord;  // input strqueue was empty

  // input StrQueue was not empty, so add a new StrQueue to the back
  StrQueue new = create_StrQueue(); // results in seg fault
  new->word = tempWord;
  sq-back->next = new;  // swaping pointers around to add malloced StrQueue to the back
  sq->back = next;

I'm at a loss, and so I'm hoping someone can clarify what exactly is going on, because when I run main like so; 我很茫然,所以我希望有人能弄清楚到底发生了什么,因为当我像这样运行main时;

int main(void){

char* str1 = "Hello";

StrQueue sq = create_StrQueue(); // does not cause seg fault
add_to_back(sq, str1);

calling create_StrQueue() for the first time works just fine. 第一次调用create_StrQueue()效果很好。

char* in the struct is a pointer to a character array. 结构中的char*是指向字符数组的指针。 retq->word = malloc(sizeof(char*)); is not the right way to allocate a string; 不是分配字符串的正确方法; what this actually does is it assigns a tiny array to word , essentially useless, and then you overwrite what you just allocated by assigning NULL to word , leaking the memory. 这实际上是在 word 分配一个很小的数组 ,实际上是无用的,然后您通过为word分配NULL来覆盖刚分配的内容,从而泄漏内存。 All memory allocated by malloc must be manually released later on with free . malloc分配的所有内存必须稍后使用free手动释放。 You are dealing with a pointer. 您正在处理一个指针。 Assigning data to it has no magic involved in C, you are simply replacing the value of the pointer itself. 向其分配数据没有C的魔力,您只需替换指针本身的值即可。

In add_to_back , you need to allocate space to tempWord before copying data into it: add_to_back ,需要在将数据复制到tempWord之前为其分配空间:

tempWord = malloc( strlen(str)+1 );

You add 1 to accommodate the null terminator in the string. 您添加1以容纳字符串中的空终止符。 Use strcpy to copy into tempWord instead of writing your own string copying method there, your method does not add a null terminator. 使用strcpy复制到tempWord而不是在那里编写自己的字符串复制方法,该方法不会添加空终止符。

An even better solution would be to have create_StrQueue accept a const char* parameter, and do the string allocation and copying in there. 更好的解决方案是让create_StrQueue接受const char*参数,然后在其中进行字符串分配和复制。

You should also avoid using the word new since that looks a bit confusing to a c++ programmer. 您还应该避免使用“ new ”一词,因为这会使C ++程序员感到困惑。 :) :)

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