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Roslyn诊断+ Visual Studio着色

[英]Roslyn Diagnostic + Visual Studio Colorisation

Does any know where I can location an "simple" example of colourisation of a token based on a Roslyn diagnostic. 有谁知道在哪里可以找到基于Roslyn诊断程序的标记着色的“简单”示例。 Yep I can make them Info, Warning, Error or Hidden. 是的,我可以将其设置为“信息”,“警告”,“错误”或“隐藏”。 So let say want to use Hidden so it doesn't appear in the Errors list/window, but is accessible so I could do something with it later. 因此,可以说要使用“隐藏”,这样它就不会出现在“错误”列表/窗口中,但是可以访问,因此以后可以对其进行处理。

Now I've got these hidden diagnostic, now I would like to affect the colourisation of the text in the IDE. 现在,我有了这些隐藏的诊断程序,现在,我想影响IDE中文本的颜色。

This is what I've tried so for. 这就是我尝试过的。

Private Sub CreateVisuals(ByVal line As ITextViewLine)
    'grab a reference to the lines in the current TextView 
    Dim textViewLines = _view?.TextViewLines
    If textViewLines Is Nothing Then Exit Sub 
    If line Is Nothing Then Exit Sub 
    Dim lineStart As Integer = line.Start
    Dim lineEnd As Integer = line.End
    Dim q = textViewLines.FirstOrDefault
    If q Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
    Dim qq = q.Snapshot.GetOpenDocumentInCurrentContextWithChanges
    If qq Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
    Dim sm = qq.GetSemanticModelAsync.Result '..GetSemanticModelAsync.Result
    '   Dim di = sm.GetSyntaxDiagnostics.ToArray
    If sm Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
    Dim diags = sm.GetDiagnostics.ToArray

I have tried GetSyntaxDiagnostic 我已经尝试过GetSyntaxDiagnostic

    If diags.Any() = False Then Exit Sub
    For Each d In diags
      ' This is the ID if the Diagnostic I want to color.
      'If d.Id<>"SFD000" Then Continue For
      Dim charSpan As New SnapshotSpan(_view.TextSnapshot,
                      Span.FromBounds(d.Location.SourceSpan.Start, d.Location.SourceSpan.End))
      Dim g As Geometry = textViewLines.GetMarkerGeometry(charSpan)
      If g IsNot Nothing Then
        Dim drawing As New GeometryDrawing(_brush, _pen, g) : drawing.Freeze()
        Dim drawingImage As New DrawingImage(drawing) : drawingImage.Freeze()
        Dim image As New Image()
        image.Source = drawingImage
        'Align the image with the top of the bounds of the text geometry
        Canvas.SetLeft(image, g.Bounds.Left)
        Canvas.SetTop(image, g.Bounds.Top)
                             charSpan, Nothing, image, Nothing)
      End If
  Catch ex As Exception
  End Try 
End Sub

I get the diagnostic issue by the compiler, but not mine. 我得到了编译器的诊断问题,但不是我的。 Why? 为什么?

The Example can be either C# or VB.net. 该示例可以是C#或VB.net。

This can only be done with IDiagnosticService (which is how Roslyn classifies error tags & unnecessary code). 这只能通过IDiagnosticService来完成(这是Roslyn对错误标记和不必要的代码进行分类的方式)。

That interface is internal, so you're out of luck (unless you want to use a lot of Reflection). 该接口是内部接口,因此您很不走运(除非您想使用大量的Reflection)。

You can file an issue on CodePlex & ask them to make IDiagnosticService public. 您可以在CodePlex上提出问题,并要求他们将IDiagnosticService公开。

You can also ask them to make AbstractDiagnosticsTagProducer<TTag> public; 您还可以要求他们公开AbstractDiagnosticsTagProducer<TTag> it will do exactly what you're looking for, letting you plug in a filter and a tag creator. 它会完全满足您的需求,让您插入过滤器和标签创建者。
For more information, look at that class in a decompiler. 有关更多信息,请在反编译器中查看该类。

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