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[英]How Can I Tell if a WebsphereMQ Message Was Delivered to a Remote Queue?

I'm sending a message to a remote (offsite) MQ server. 我正在向远程(异地)MQ服务器发送消息。 The recipient says they don't get the message I send, but it looks like things are good on my side. 收件人说他们没有收到我发送的消息,但看来我这边情况不错。 For example, if I stop the XMITQ, the messages I send pile up there until I restart it. 例如,如果我停止XMITQ,则我发送的消息会堆积在那里,直到我重新启动它为止。 If there was a network problem (for example, if someone changed a firewall/router setting on my end) what would happen to the message I send? 如果出现网络问题(例如,如果有人更改了我的防火墙/路由器设置),我发送的消息将如何处理? I would think it would end up in the dead-letter queue, but there's nothing there. 我认为这将最终落到死信队列中,但是那里什么也没有。 It doesn't seem to make sense that an MQ message would just disappear. MQ消息只会消失似乎没有任何意义。

You could enable COD reports to prove that the receiving application actually consumed the message. 您可以启用COD报告以证明接收应用程序确实使用了该消息。 Most problems of this sort are an issue with the consuming application having an error part way through processing the message and throwing it away. 大多数此类问题是使用该应用程序的问题,该应用程序在处理消息并将其丢弃时会出现部分错误。

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