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[英]Casting char array into int array using atoi

Hello I'm attempting to convert a char into an int. 您好,我正在尝试将char转换为int。 I have a char array that was inputted through scanf , "10101" and I want to set an int array's elements equal to that char arrays elements. 我有一个通过scanf “ 10101”输入的char数组,并且我想要设置一个与该char数组元素相等的int数组元素。

example input: 输入示例:

10101 10101

char aBuff[11] = {'\0'};
int aDork[5] = {0};

scanf("%s", aBuff); //aBuff is not equal to 10101, printing aBuff[0] = 1, aBuff[1] = 0 and so on

Now I want aDork[0] to equal aBuff[0] which would be 1 . 现在,我希望aDork[0]等于aBuff[0] ,该aBuff[0] 1
Below is what I have so far. 以下是到目前为止的内容。

//seems to not be working here
//I want aDork[0] to  = aBuff[0] which would be 1
//But aDork[0] is = 10101 which is the entire string of aBuff   
//aBuff is a char array that equals 10101
//aDork is an int array set with all elements set to 0

int aDork[5] = {0}
printf("aBuff[0] = %c\n", aBuff[0]); //value is 1
aDork[0] = atoi(&aBuff[0]); //why doesnt this print 1? Currently prints 10101
printf("aDork[0] = %d\n", aDork[0]); //this prints 1

printf("aBuff[1] = %c\n", aBuff[1]); //this prints 0
printf("aBuff[2] = %c\n", aBuff[2]); //this prints 1

You ask: 你问:

aDork[0] = atoi(&aBuff[0]); // why doesnt this print 1? Currently prints 10101

It does so because: 这样做是因为:

&aBuff[0] == aBuff;

they're equivalent. 他们是等效的。 The address of the first element in the array is the same address you get when referencing the array itself. 数组中第一个元素的地址与引用数组本身时获得的地址相同。 So you're saying: 所以你说:

aDork[0] = atoi(aBuff);

which takes the whole string at aBuff and evaluates its integer value. 它将整个字符串放在aBuff并求出其整数值。 If you want to get the value of a digit , do that: 如果要获取数字值,请执行以下操作:

aDork[0] = aBuff[0] - '0';   // '1' - '0' == 1, '0' - '0' == 0, etc.

and now 现在

aDork[0] == 1;

Working example: https://ideone.com/3Vl3aI 工作示例: https//ideone.com/3Vl3aI

this code is working as expected, but you are not understanding how atoi works: 该代码可以正常工作,但是您不了解atoi的工作原理:

Now I want aDork[0] to equal aBuff[0] which would be 1 现在我想让aDork [0]等于aBuff [0]等于1


aDork[0] = atoi(aBuff);

means aDork[0] will store the integer value of aBuff. 表示aDork [0]将存储aBuff的整数值。 Meaning the value 10101 and not the string "10101" 表示值10101,而不是字符串“ 10101”

PS: you didn't need an array of char for aDork: PS:aDork不需要char数组:

int aDork = 0;
aDork = atoi(aBuff);

is enough. 足够。

Assuming aBuff contains a string of zeros and ones (that does not exceed the length of aDork ), the following would transfer these values to an integer array. 假设aBuff包含一串零和一(不超过aDork的长度),则以下内容会将这些值传输到整数数组。

for (int i = 0; i < strlen(aBuff); i++)
    aDork[i] = (aBuff[i] - '0');

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