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[英]call a vector of names for grid.arrange

lets say I have a list called ALL with 40 elements, each of which is a ggplot . 可以说我有一个名为ALL的列表,其中包含40个元素,每个元素都是一个ggplot

if i want to plot one of these i can do 如果我想绘制其中之一,我可以做


or 要么


if i want to plot them all together i can do 如果我想把它们全部画出来,我可以做

grid.arrange(ALL[[1]] ,ALL[[2]], ALL[[3]], ....  )

or 要么

grid.arrange(ALL[[names(ALL)[1]]] ,ALL[[names(ALL)[2]]], ALL[[names(ALL)[3]]], ....  )

This is really tiring with many list elements. 许多列表元素确实很累人。 But i cannot figure out how to just call grid.arrange to plot all plots. 但是我不知道如何只调用grid.arrange来绘制所有图。 I don't want to apply over the list because i want multiple plots on the same page. 我不想apply在清单上,因为我要在同一页面上绘制多个图。

Calling 40 plots to grid.arrange may seem a lot but they are small plots and even for 1:10 plots on a page this is a lot of typing!!!! 调用40个地块到grid.arrange可能看起来很多,但是它们是小图,即使页面上以1:10的grid.arrange也很麻烦!

Whenever you've got a list (here your ALL ) whose elements are the arguments you'd like passed in to a function (here grid.arrange ), you can use do.call . 只要有一个列表(这里是ALL ),其元素是要传递给函数(这里是grid.arrange )的参数,就可以使用do.call

This should do the trick: 这应该可以解决问题:

## Equivalent to grid.arrange(ALL[[1]], ALL[[2]], ..., ALL[[n]])
do.call(grid.arrange, ALL)

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