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[英]Arduino no matching function for call to

I have created program for my arduino uno, but I cannot compile it. 我已经为arduino uno创建了程序,但是我无法编译它。 Program based on IRemote IRecord example, and SD example. 基于IRemote IRecord示例和SD示例的程序。

CODE: 码:

void sendCode(int repeat) {
   strcodeValue = String(codeValue);
   char filename[strcodeValue.length()+1];
   strcodeValue.toCharArray(filename, sizeof(filename));

   if (SD.exists(filename)) {   
   File myFile = SD.open(filename);
   if (myFile) {
    while (myFile.available(filename)) {
      codeValue = myFile.read();


IRrecord.ino: In function 'void sendCode(int)':
IRrecord.ino:130:37: error: no matching function for call to 'File::available(char [(((sizetype)<anonymous>) + 1)])'
IRrecord.ino:130:37: note: candidate is:
In file included from IRrecord.ino:18:0:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\libraries\SD\src/SD.h:38:15: note: virtual int File::available()
   virtual int available();
C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\libraries\SD\src/SD.h:38:15: note:   candidate expects 0 arguments, 1 provided
Error compiling.

File name will be read from IR Sensor. 文件名将从红外传感器读取。

Can anyone help me? 谁能帮我?

It surely looks like 它肯定看起来像

while (myFile.available(filename)) {

should read 应该读

while (myFile.available()) {

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