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Facebook SDK FBLoginView

[英]Facebook SDK FBLoginView

I have implement Facebook SDK into my project. 我已经在我的项目中实现了Facebook SDK。 I login using FBLoginView . 我使用FBLoginView登录。 When I first go to the app i create the StartView with this FBLoginView and sign with Facebook. 当我第一次去的应用程序,我创建StartView这个FBLoginView以及与Facebook签署。 After I close my app I want to launch it for second time. 关闭我的应用程序后,我想第二次启动它。 But now I don't want to show StartView with login button and I want to show the main page from my app. 但是现在我不想显示带有登录按钮的StartView,而是想要显示应用程序的主页。 How I can make this? 我该怎么做?

In my AppDelegate I wrote this: 在我的AppDelegate我这样写:

if (FBSession.activeSession.state == FBSessionStateCreatedTokenLoaded){

//Go to theMain page


It will work with FBLoginView or it will be work only with customLoginButton ? 它将与FBLoginView一起FBLoginView或者仅与customLoginButton一起customLoginButton

In your condition, add: 根据您的条件,添加:

// If there's one, just open the session silently, without showing the user the login UI
[FBSession openActiveSessionWithReadPermissions:@[@"public_profile"]
                            completionHandler:^(FBSession *session, FBSessionState state, NSError *error) {
                              // Handler for session state changes
                              // This method will be called EACH time the session state changes,
                              // also for intermediate states and NOT just when the session open
                              [self sessionStateChanged:session state:state error:error];

Then implement the method sessionStateChanged:session : 然后实现方法sessionStateChanged:session

// This method will handle ALL the session state changes in the app
- (void)sessionStateChanged:(FBSession *)session state:(FBSessionState) state error:(NSError *)error
    // If the session was opened successfully
    if (!error && state == FBSessionStateOpen){
    NSLog(@"Session opened");
    // Show the user the logged-in UI
    [self goToMainPage];
if (state == FBSessionStateClosed || state == FBSessionStateClosedLoginFailed){
    // If the session is closed
    NSLog(@"Session closed");
    // Show the user the logged-out UI
    [self userLoggedOut];

// Handle errors
if (error){
    NSString *alertText;
    NSString *alertTitle;
    // If the error requires people using an app to make an action outside of the app in  order to recover
  if ([FBErrorUtility shouldNotifyUserForError:error] == YES){
      alertTitle = @"Something went wrong";
      alertText = [FBErrorUtility userMessageForError:error];
  [self showMessage:alertText withTitle:alertTitle];
  } else {

      // If the user cancelled login, do nothing
      if ([FBErrorUtility errorCategoryForError:error] == FBErrorCategoryUserCancelled) {
        NSLog(@"User cancelled login");

      // Handle session closures that happen outside of the app
      } else if ([FBErrorUtility errorCategoryForError:error] == FBErrorCategoryAuthenticationReopenSession){
        alertTitle = @"Session Error";
        alertText = @"Your current session is no longer valid. Please log in again.";
        [self showMessage:alertText withTitle:alertTitle];

      // Here we will handle all other errors with a generic error message.
      // We recommend you check our Handling Errors guide for more information 
      // https://developers.facebook.com/docs/ios/errors/
      } else {
        //Get more error information from the error
        NSDictionary *errorInformation = [[[error.userInfo obje ctForKey:@"com.facebook.sdk:ParsedJSONResponseKey"] objectForKey:@"body"] objectForKey:@"error"];

        // Show the user an error message
        alertTitle = @"Something went wrong";
        alertText = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Please retry. \n\n If the problem persists contact us and mention this error code: %@", [errorInformation objectForKey:@"message"]];
        [self showMessage:alertText withTitle:alertTitle];
    // Clear this token
    [FBSession.activeSession closeAndClearTokenInformation];
    // Show the user the logged-out UI
    [self userLoggedOut];

You can read the complete doc for more information 您可以阅读完整的文档以获取更多信息

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