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Django REST Framework 3.0-NOT NULL约束失败:

[英]Django REST Framework 3.0 - NOT NULL constraint failed:

I have this Error 我有这个错误

IntegrityError at /foobars/
NOT NULL constraint failed: restServer_foobar.geo_location_id

When I try to add a new Foobar Object to DB over (Website/APIView) 当我尝试通过http:// (网站/ APIView)向数据库添加新的Foobar对象时

My Serializer Class looks like this: 我的序列化器类如下所示:

class GeopointSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):

    class Meta:
        model = Geopoint
        fields = ('id', 'latitude', 'longitude')

class FooBarSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):

    geo_location = GeopointSerializer(required=True)

    class Meta:
        model = FooBar
        fields = ('id', 'geo_location', 'geo_fence', 'registered', 'last_login')

    def create(self, validated_data):
        geo_location_data = validated_data.pop('geo_location')
        foobar = FooBar.objects.create(**validated_data)
        Geopoint.objects.create(FooBar=foobar, **geo_location_data)
        return foobar

DB was deleted. 数据库已删除。

Your ForeignKey is on your FooBar model, not your Geopoint model. 您的ForeignKeyFooBar模型上,而不在Geopoint模型上。 This determine the order that you need to create objects, because the fields in the database have to be filled correctly. 这确定了创建对象所需的顺序,因为必须正确填写数据库中的字段。

Objects which have foreign keys should always be created after the objects that they point to, because you can't fill it in afterwards - it has to exist when you create the object. 具有外键的对象应始终在它们指向的对象之后创建,因为您以后不能再填写-创建对象时它必须存在。 In your case, that means you have to switch the location of your create statements, so the Geopoint is created before the FooBar object. 在您的情况下,这意味着您必须切换create语句的位置,因此Geopoint是在FooBar对象之前创建的。

def create(self, validated_data):
    geo_location_data = validated_data.pop('geo_location')
    geo_location = Geopoint.objects.create(**geo_location_data)
    foobar = FooBar.objects.create(geo_location=geo_location, **validated_data)
    return foobar

Note the changes in constructing each object. 注意构造每个对象的变化。

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