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解析字符串:输入字符串的格式不正确。 #

[英]Parsing String: Input string was not in a correct format. #

I'm trying to run a stored procedure that is requiring an int to work correctly. 我正在尝试运行一个需要int才能正常工作的存储过程。 I pull an "ID" from a datagrid and then am trying to parse the int to allow the procedure to run, but am getting the error mentioned in the title. 我从数据网格中提取了一个“ ID”,然后尝试解析int以允许该过程运行,但出现标题中提到的错误。 Any thoughts on a better way to do this? 有更好的方法吗?

<asp:BoundColumn DataField="ID" Visible="true"></asp:BoundColumn>

<asp:Button ID="btnMarkComplete" Text="Mark Complete" runat="server" CommandArgument='<$# Eval("ID") %>' OnClick="BtnMarkCompleteClick"/>

int iD = Convert.ToInt32(d.CommandArgument.ToString());

In answer to your question, "is there a better way to do this"? 在回答您的问题时,“是否有更好的方法来做到这一点”?

Yes, and it's called TryParse : 是的,它叫做TryParse

int iD = 0;

if(Int32.TryParse(d.CommandArgument.ToString(), out iD))
   // Do something with iD

Explanation 说明

You're implying (using a basic Convert method) that the input can be converted to an Int32 , which is why you get an exception when it can't. 你暗示(使用基本的Convert方法),该输入转换成Int32 ,这就是为什么你会得到一个异常时,它不能。 With the way I've suggested above, you're simply trying to parse it. 使用上面我建议的方法,您只是在尝试解析它。 TryParse returns a boolean you can then evaluate to decide on a path of execution. TryParse返回一个boolean您可以评估该boolean值以确定执行路径。

There's a typo there to start: 有一个错别字开始:

<$# Eval("ID") %>

Should be 应该

<%# Eval("ID") %>

So you are trying to convert the string value <$# Eval("ID") %> to an integer which will fail and throw the error you are receiving. 因此,您正在尝试将字符串值<$# Eval("ID") %>转换为整数,该整数将失败并引发收到的错误。 The field won't bind to ID because of the typo. 由于输入错误,该字段不会绑定到ID。

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