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[英]Named Shared Memory: shm_open not providing the correct location

I am having difficulty using shared memory. 我在使用共享内存时遇到困难。 I believe I am misunderstanding how shared memory is supposed to work. 我相信我误解了共享内存应该如何工作。 I am trying to create a template class for my project to wrap the POSIX Shared Memory API. 我正在尝试为我的项目创建一个模板类,以包装POSIX共享内存API。 When I call mmap() for the second time, in the same process, I am expecting to see the same ptr returned as the first time. 当我第二次调用mmap()时,在相同的过程中,我期望看到的返回的ptr与第一次相同。 This is not what I am seeing. 这不是我所看到的。 My second address is offset by 0x1000 (I assume this is the page boundary). 我的第二个地址偏移了0x1000(我假设这是页面边界)。 When I write to the first memory mapped location, the data does not show up in the second. 当我写入第一个内存映射位置时,数据不会在第二个中显示。

I thought possibly that the data was not getting syncd, so I tried calling msync(). 我可能认为数据未同步,所以我尝试调用msync()。 This did not help. 这没有帮助。

I am most suspect of the different Addresses returned by mmap(). 我最怀疑mmap()返回的不同地址。 It seems like this might be a pointer-pointer, but no of the documentation or examples show anything about pointer-pointers. 似乎这可能是一个指针指针,但是文档或示例均未显示任何有关指针指针的内容。 So... 所以...

Obviously, this leads me to believe either I am doing something wrong or misunderstand how named shared memory is supposed to work within the same process. 显然,这使我相信我做错了什么或误解了命名共享内存应该如何在同一进程中工作。

I have been pouring over the man pages and all over SO looking for answers to no avail. 我一直在手册页和整个网站上寻找所需的答案,但无济于事。

Could some please tell me what I am doing wrong to access the same named shared memory location? 有人可以告诉我访问相同的命名共享内存位置时我做错了吗? Or point me to answer that provides the explanation I require to get me on my way again. 或指出要我回答的问题,以提供我需要重新获得帮助的解释。

Please Excuse all the debug cout and excessive documentation, I was trying to understand/learn shared_memory API. 请原谅所有调试提示和过多的文档,我试图了解/学习shared_memory API。

NOTE: I understand that there are better ways to share data within the same process. 注意: 我了解在同一过程中有更好的共享数据的方法。 But, this is only a short test driver and this template would be used for in multi-process environment. 但是,这只是一个简短的测试驱动程序,该模板将用于多进程环境。

EDIT: Im not sure it matters, but I am trying to run on Suse Linux 3.0.101 编辑:我不确定这很重要,但我正在尝试在Suse Linux 3.0.101上运行

"Help me Obi-Wan Kenobi, you're my only hope!" “帮我Obi-Wan Kenobi,你是我唯一的希望!”

shmem.h shmem.h

// ****************************************************************************
// POSIX Shared Memory
//     as document by Richard Stevens 
//     "UNIX Network Programming: Interprocess Communications" Vol 2, 2nd Ed.
// -------------------
// Shared memory is the fastest form of IPC available, because one copy of the
// data in the shared memory is available to all the threads or processes that
// share the memory. Some form of synchronization is normally required,
// however, to coordinate the threads or processes that are sharing the memory.
// POSIX provides two ways to share memory between unrelated processes.
//      1. Memory-mapped files: a file is opened by open, and the resulting
//         descriptor is mapped into the address space of the process by mmap.
//         Memory-mapped files can also be shared between unrelated processes.
//      2. Shared memory objects: the function shm_open opens a POSIX IPC name
//         (perhaps a pathname in the filesystem), returning a descriptor that
//         is then mapped into the address space of the process by mmap.
// Both techniques require the call to mmap. What differs is how the descriptor
// that is an argument to mmap is obtained: by open or shm_open.
// ****************************************************************************
#ifndef SHMEM_H_
#define SHMEM_H_

#include <errno.h>      // error checking
#include <fcntl.h>      // O_ constants
#include <semaphore.h>  // semaphore API
#include <stddef.h>     // defines NULL
#include <sys/mman.h>   // shared memory API
#include <sys/stat.h>   // mode constants
#include <unistd.h>     // for close()

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

template <class T, long count = 1>
class shmem

    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    shmem(const char* name) :
        pName(name), pShmData(0), mShmFd(0), mCreated(true)
        cout << "START: shmem(\"" << pName << "\", " << count << ") Constructor" << endl<< flush;

        // --------------------------------------------------------------------
        // The two-step process involved with POSIX shared memory requires:
        //      1. calling shm_open, specifying a name argument, to either
        //         create a new shared memory object or to open an existing
        //         shared memory object, followed by
        //      2. calling mmap to map the shared memory into the address space
        //         of the calling process.
        int    flags = O_RDWR|O_CREAT|O_EXCL;
        mode_t mode  = S_IRUSR|S_IWUSR;

        // flag indicating that the shared memory is the same as the data
        // passed in
        bool valid = true;

        // Determine the amount of memory should include the
        // header + the data buffer
        const size_t len = sizeof(shmem_data_t);

        cout << "Shmem_open()... "<< flush;
        mShmFd = shm_open(pName, flags, mode);

        // Check to see if the shared memory has been created yet
        if (mShmFd == -1)
            cout << "failed. ********************* errno: " << errno << endl<< flush;

            // Remove flags (O_EXCL, O_CREAT) and try to open shared memory
            // that already exists
            flags &= ~O_EXCL;
            flags &= ~O_CREAT;

            cout << "Shmem_open (Again)... "<< flush;
            mShmFd = shm_open(pName, flags, mode);

            // Check to see if an error occurred while trying to open
            valid = (mShmFd != -1);

            if (valid)
                cout << "success!" << endl<< flush;

                            // Indicate that the shared memory already existed
                            mCreated = false;
                cout << "failed. ********************* errno: " << errno << endl<< flush;

        } else
            cout << "success!" << endl << flush;

        cout << "mmap()... "<< flush;
        // The mmap function maps a POSIX shared memory object (T) + Header
        // into the address space of a process.
        pShmData = reinterpret_cast<shmem_data_t*> (
                mmap(NULL, len, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED|MAP_ANONYMOUS, mShmFd, 0));

        if (pShmData == NULL)
            int error = errno;

            switch (error)
                // Undefined Error
                cout << "failed: ********************* errno: " << error << endl<< flush;
        } else
            cout << "success: " << hex << "0x" << pShmData << dec << endl << flush;

        // Check to see if we are the first user to request this shared memory
        // location.
        if (mCreated)
            cout << "CREATED!" << endl;
            cout << "Initial Header Data: Size  " << pShmData->size  << endl;
            cout << "Initial Header Data: Count " << pShmData->len << endl;

            // Initialize the header if we created the SHM
            cout << "sem_init()" << endl<< flush;

            cout << "sem_wait()... " << endl<< flush;

            cout << "Got It!" << endl<< flush;
            pShmData->size  = len;
            pShmData->len = count;

            cout << "release semaphore" << endl<< flush;
            cout << "Initialization complete" << endl<< flush;

            cout << "Header Data: Size  " << pShmData->size  << endl;
            cout << "Header Data: Count " << pShmData->len << endl;

        } else if (valid)

            cout << "Validating Shared Memory... " ;

            // Validate the Shared Memory that was acquired
            valid &= (pShmData->size == len);
            valid &= (pShmData->len == count);

            if (valid)
                cout << "success!" << endl<< flush;
                cout << "failed. ********************* " << endl<< flush;

            cout << "Header Data: Size  " << pShmData->size  << endl;
            cout << "Header Data: Count " << pShmData->len << endl;


                // FIXME: What should we do if we aren't valid?!
        cout << "END: Shmem Constructor" << endl<< flush;


    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Copy Constructor - Increment Use count for Shared Memory.
    shmem(const shmem& that) :
        pName(that.pName), pShmData(0), mShmFd(0)
        cout << "START: shmem Copy Constructor" << endl << flush;

        // --------------------------------------------------------------------
        // The two-step process involved with POSIX shared memory requires:
        //      1. calling shm_open, specifying a name argument, to either
        //         create a new shared memory object or to open an existing
        //         shared memory object, followed by
        //      2. calling mmap to map the shared memory into the address space
        //         of the calling process.
        int    flags = O_RDWR;
        mode_t mode  = S_IRUSR|S_IWUSR;

        // flag indicating that the we allocated valid shared memory is the
        // same as the data passed in
        bool valid = true;

        // Determine the amount of memory should include the
        // header + the data buffer
        const size_t len = sizeof(shmem_data_t);

        mShmFd = shm_open(pName, flags, mode);

        // Check to see if an error occurred while trying to open
        valid = (mShmFd != -1);

        // The mmap function maps a POSIX shared memory object (T) + Header
        // into the address space of a process.
        pShmData = mmap(NULL, that.mShmFd->size, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED|MAP_ANONYMOUS, mShmFd, 0);

        cout << "close()... "<< flush;
        // The close() function will deallocate the file descriptor.
        // All outstanding record locks owned by the process on the file
        // associated with the file descriptor will be removed (that is,
        // unlocked).
        // If a shared memory object remains referenced at the last close (that is, a
        // process has it mapped), then the entire contents of the memory object persist
        // until the memory object becomes unreferenced. If this is the last close of a
        // memory object and the close results in the memory object becoming
        // unreferenced, and the memory object has been unlinked, then the memory object
        // will be removed.
        cout << "success." << endl<< flush;

        cout << "END: shmem Copy Constructor" << endl << flush;


    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    virtual ~shmem()

        cout << "START: ~shmem() Destructor" << endl<< flush;

                if (mCreated)
        cout << "shm_unlink( \"" << pName << "\")... "<< flush;

        // The shm_unlink function removes the name of a shared memory object.
        // As with all the other unlink functions, unlinking a name has no
        // effect on existing references to the underlying object, until all
        // references to that object are closed. Unlinking a name just prevents
        // any subsequent call to open, mq_open, or sem_open from succeeding.
        if(shm_unlink(pName) == -1)
            int error = errno;

            switch (error)
            case EACCES:
                // Permission is denied to unlink the named shared memory
                // object.
                cout << "Failed: ********************* EACCES " << endl<< flush;

            case ENAMETOOLONG:
                // The length of the name argument exceeds {PATH_MAX} or a
                // pathname component is longer than {NAME_MAX}.
                cout << "Failed: ********************* ENAMETOOLONG" << endl<< flush;

            case ENOENT:
                // The named shared memory object does not exist.
                cout << "Failed: ********************* ENOENT" << endl<< flush;

                // Undefined Error
                cout << "Failed: ********************* <UNKNOWN> errno: " << error << endl<< flush;
        } else
            cout << "Success!" << endl<< flush;


        cout << "close()... " << flush;
        // The close() function will deallocate the file descriptor.
        // All outstanding record locks owned by the process on the file
        // associated with the file descriptor will be removed (that is,
        // unlocked).
        // If a shared memory object remains referenced at the last close (that is, a
        // process has it mapped), then the entire contents of the memory object persist
        // until the memory object becomes unreferenced. If this is the last close of a
        // memory object and the close results in the memory object becoming
        // unreferenced, and the memory object has been unlinked, then the memory object
        // will be removed.
        cout << "success." << endl << flush;

        cout << "END: ~shmem() Destructor" << endl<< flush;

    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Returns address only to the indexed object in shared memory
    T* Obj_Addr(uint32_t n = 0)
        cout << "shmem.Obj_Addr()" << endl << flush;
        return &pShmData->buf[n];

    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // sync...
    void Sync()
                cout << "shmem.Sync()... ";
               if (msync(pShmData, sizeof(shmem_data_t), MS_SYNC) == -1)
                   cout << "failed: ********************* errno: " << errno << endl<< flush;
               } else
                   cout << "success. " << endl << flush;

    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Returns reference only to the indexed object in shared memory
    T& Obj(uint32_t n = 0)
        cout << "shmem.Obj()" << endl << flush;
        return pShmData->buf[n];

    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Returns reference only to the indexed object in shared memory
    T& operator[] (uint32_t n)
        cout << "Accessing shmem[" << n << "] == " << flush;
        cout << pShmData->buf[n] << "!"  << endl << flush;
        return pShmData->buf[n];

    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Hide default constructor
    shmem() : pName(0), pShmData(0), mShmFd(0)


    struct shmem_data_t
        size_t   size;
        uint32_t len;
        sem_t    mutex;
        T        buf[count];

    const char*   pName;
    shmem_data_t* pShmData;
    int           mShmFd;
        // Flag indicating that we created the shared memory
bool mCreated;


#endif /* SHMEM_H_ */

main.cpp main.cpp中

#include <signal.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

#include <iostream> // ** FIXME ** DEBUG
using namespace std;

#include "stdint.h"
#include "shmem.h"

bool done = false;

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void my_handler(int s)
          cout << "Goodbye! SIG: " << s << endl << flush;
          done = true;

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void test_shmem()

    cout << endl << endl << "Testing Shmem Template" << endl;
    cout << "-------------------------------------------" << endl;
    shmem<int,13> x("/jco");
    cout << "-------------------------------------------" << endl;
    shmem<int,13> y("/jco");
    cout << "-------------------------------------------" << endl;
    x[5] = 7;
    cout << "-------------------------------------------" << endl;
    cout << "X[5] = " << x[5] << endl;
    cout << "-------------------------------------------" << endl;
    cout << "Y[5] = " << y[5] << endl;
    cout << "-------------------------------------------" << endl;
    cout << endl << "*** Testing Complete." << endl << endl;



// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
int main()
    cout << "MAIN" << endl;

   struct sigaction sigIntHandler;

   sigIntHandler.sa_handler = my_handler;
   sigIntHandler.sa_flags = 0;

   sigaction(SIGINT, &sigIntHandler, NULL);


    // RUN
    while(not done)

    return 0;

console output: 控制台输出:


Testing Shmem Template
START: shmem("/jco", 13) Constructor
Shmem_open()... success!
mmap()... success: 0x0x7f32113ad000
Initial Header Data: Size  0
Initial Header Data: Count 0
Got It!
release semaphore
Initialization complete
Header Data: Size  104
Header Data: Count 13
END: Shmem Constructor
START: shmem("/jco", 13) Constructor
Shmem_open()... failed. ********************* errno: 17
Shmem_open (Again)... success!
mmap()... success: 0x0x7f32113ac000
Validating Shared Memory... failed. *********************
Header Data: Size  0
Header Data: Count 0
END: Shmem Constructor
Accessing shmem[5] == 0!
shmem.Sync()... success.
Accessing shmem[5] == 7!
X[5] = 7
Accessing shmem[5] == 0!
Y[5] = 0

*** Testing Complete.

START: ~shmem() Destructor
close()... success.
END: ~shmem() Destructor
START: ~shmem() Destructor
shm_unlink( "/jco")... Success!
close()... success.
END: ~shmem() Destructor
Goodbye! SIG: 2

Edit: my first answer completely missed the mark. 编辑:我的第一个答案完全错过了分数。 So I feel obligated to contribute something useful. 因此,我有义务做出一些有益的贡献。

Both Petesh and BЈовић gave correct answers. Petesh和BЈовић都给出了正确的答案。 First, you should not be using MAP_ANONYMOUS . 首先,您不应该使用MAP_ANONYMOUS Second, you should realize that the (virtual) address that you get back from mmap will not be the same as the first one. 其次,您应该意识到从mmap取回的(虚拟)地址将与第一个地址不同。 When you call mmap twice, you are creating two separate mappings to the same shared memory. 当您两次调用mmap ,您正在创建到同一共享内存的两个单独的映射。 But you can use either of the two addresses and they will be pointing at the same piece of shared memory. 但是您可以使用两个地址中的任何一个,它们将指向同一块共享内存。

I wrote this small program to demonstrate. 我写了这个小程序来演示。 It basically does what your program does, and shows that even though the two mmap calls return two different addresses, both addresses are reading and writing to the same shared memory. 它基本上完成了程序的工作,并且表明即使两个mmap调用返回两个不同的地址,两个地址仍在读取和写入同一共享内存。

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <unistd.h>

#define TEMP_FILENAME   "shm.tmp"

int main(void)
    int fd1 = shm_open(TEMP_FILENAME, O_CREAT | O_RDWR, 0777);
    int fd2 = shm_open(TEMP_FILENAME, O_RDWR, 0777);
    int *p1, *p2;
    int buf[1024] = {0x12345678};

    // Write initial contents to shared memory.
    write(fd1, buf, 4096);
    p1 = mmap(NULL, 4096, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, fd1, 0);
    p2 = mmap(NULL, 4096, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, fd2, 0);
    printf("fd1 = %d, p1 = %p\n", fd1, p1);
    printf("fd2 = %d, p2 = %p\n", fd2, p2);
    printf("p1[0] = 0x%08x, p2[0] = 0x%08x\n", p1[0], p2[0]);
    p1[0] = 0xdeadbeef;
    printf("p1[0] = 0x%08x, p2[0] = 0x%08x\n", p1[0], p2[0]);
    return 0;

And the output: 并输出:

fd1 = 3, p1 = 0x7f2b3d434000
fd2 = 4, p2 = 0x7f2b3d433000
p1[0] = 0x12345678, p2[0] = 0x12345678
p1[0] = 0xdeadbeef, p2[0] = 0xdeadbeef

From mmap() man pages : mmap()手册页中

mmap() creates a new mapping in the virtual address space of the calling process. mmap()在调用过程的虚拟地址空间中创建一个新的映射。

So, what you get is a virtual address, matching to the same physical address. 因此,您得到的是一个虚拟地址,它与相同的物理地址匹配。 Since you are mmap()-ing the same memory region in 2 different processes, you are going to get different virtual address. 由于您要通过两个不同的进程mmap()来访问同一内存区域,因此您将获得不同的虚拟地址。

You should read more about linux memory management (for example here ). 您应该阅读有关linux内存管理的更多信息(例如在此处 )。

You've got an incorrect argument to mmap - the MAP_ANONYMOUS option. 您对mmap说法不正确MAP_ANONYMOUS选项。

What that does is explicitly ignore the file descriptor from shm_open and instead creates a private mapping for the process. 这样做是显式地忽略shm_open文件描述符,而是为该进程创建了私有映射。

The manpage for mmap for MAP_ANONYMOUS indicates: MAP_ANONYMOUS mmap MAP_ANONYMOUS页指示:

The mapping is not backed by any file; 映射没有任何文件支持; its contents are initialized to zero. 其内容初始化为零。 The fd and offset arguments are ignored. fd和offset参数将被忽略。

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